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319 bytes added, 20:13, 3 October 2005
The sqlite database system does file-level locking to manage access to the database. This means that for every transaction (even read), the database file must be checked for changes to update the cache, and locked. Most systems can do this quickly, although this operation is clearly not good for performance. Some Linux/Unix users may have their home directories and profiles stored on a network-mounted drive. In these cases, individual database accesses can be relatively expensive.
Therefore, it is very important that database access be minimized and grouped in transactions. A new query/result format will be used instead of RDF. RDF requires many extra transactions, to retrieve the ID of a URL, then to retrieve the title, then to retrieve the visit date, etc. This makes performance, especially for network users, unacceptably slow. The new query system will retrieve one set of results for one query, meaning that there will be only one database access or the accesses can be internally grouped in a transaction. Initial tests of this system show that is is plenty fast enough over a good network and virtually instant for local users (the majority).
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