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Event:Maker Faire Africa

602 bytes added, 17:04, 2 June 2009
no edit summary
When: August 14-16, 2009
Description: "Maker Faire Africa (MFA), a celebration of African ingenuity, innovation and invention, will take place August 14-16 at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT in Ghana's capital, Accra. This event is free to the general public."
''Mozilla Attendees''
* Your name here
* Mark Grimes, event organizer/sponsor, (via Dietrich)
* Raymond Etornam Agbeame, incoming QA intern from Ghana, might know local mozilla contributors interested in participating?
* Taku Joey, contributor in Harare, contacted to see if interested in attending (via Alix)
* Jay said he'd contact our campus reps in Ghana
Confirm, emeritus

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