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1,731 bytes added, 18:56, 10 November 2009
GFX Update
= GFX Update =
* [,image,widget,graphics%20flag:blocking1.9.2%2B,blocking-firefox3.6%2B%20-status1.9.2:fixed,unaffected,wontfix 13 blockers] (-5 w/w)
** Long poles right now are imagelib bugs (needs review from someone who knows imagelib) and a couple of Linux bugs (which have no patches yet).
* [,image,widget,graphics%20flag:blocking1.9.2%3F,blocking-firefox3.6%3F 5 nominations]
** All annotated with should block/should not block in whiteboard; need a driver to make the final call.
* Jeff is starting work on one of our quarterly goals, a scrolling interactivity benchmark. You can follow along in {{bug|}}.
* Bas has built upon his DirectWrite font backend, {{bug|517642}}, with a Direct2D cairo backend, {{bug|527707}}.
** The Direct2D backend depends on DirectWrite for fonts because GDI can't write to hardware-accelerated contexts.
** This will be our second hardware-accelerated Cairo backend, after the OpenGL/DirectDraw backend used on the Tegra devices.
** Along with DirectWrite, Microsoft has backported Direct2D to Windows Vista.
* Rob's still working on the bug reports that have resulted in us turning Aero Peek off in 3.6.
** He needs UX input on a number of the bugs: {{bug|522035}}, {{bug|526618}}, {{bug|527015}} (easy one), {{bug|527156}}, {{bug|527158}}.
* Jim's got an initial, prototype patch for cross-process windowless plugins on Windows. {{bug|522299}}
* Mark's WebGL implementation still coming along well.
** One issue is that WebGL arrays are different from JS arrays, and that can cause perf issues. Mark's got some ideas.
* Blockers, topcrashes, electrolysis, performance.
= Layout Update =

Navigation menu