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1,359 bytes added, 21:01, 26 January 2010
System components
* Support for plugins/macros
* Support for a WYSIWYG editor
* Improved workflow for contributors and editors (yet to be defined)
We will seek out existing bare bones wiki implementations or components if possible to reduce implementation time and complexity.
== Support Forums ==
We see two basic types of forums that are required for Kitsune:
* Support forums, specifically tailored to answering user questions
Cheng is in the process of developing a PRD for support forums.
== Administrative functionality ==
This includes:
* User administration
* Template management
* Contributor and locale leader dashboards
* l10n dashboard
* Metrics
== User authentication ==
Basic requirements:
* Accept existing SUMO accounts: no user should have to re-register
* Integrate with live chat auth as is being implemented currently
* Accept OpenID and other open standards
* Integrate with eventual Mozilla SSO solution
== CSAT ==
Basic requirements:
* Allow CSAT collection and reporting on wiki articles, forum threads, and live chat helpers
* Improve flexibility of CSAT questions
== Non-support forums ==
There are two non-support oriented forums: the contributor forum and the off-topic forum. There may be others in future. These will be the simplest possible threaded forums.
== API ==
We would like to make some of Kitsune's features available via machine access. Possible uses:
* l10n integration
* bugzilla integration
* Socorro integration
This is a future feature, but we should build in such a way that this will be easy to add.
== Other features ==
Kitsune should also have the following features:
* Pretty URLs
* gettext support for integration with Verbatim
* Event sign up system
* Discussion forum for each wiki article? (as per wikipedia?)
= Database design and migration =

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