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585 bytes added, 19:52, 2 March 2011
Maintenance and Security (Al)
== Maintenance and Security (Al) ==
* Shipped Firefox 3.6.14 and 3.5.17 yesterday, March 1.*Pwn2own, a security conference run by ZDI, is occurring from March 9 - 11. There is a significant chance of a zero day for Firefox being shown at the conference.** Loose planning is being done for a Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 release (or just one) for the week following pwn2own depending on exposure. This would be done off of the current releases' relbranches.* Schedule for official 3.6.15 and 3.5.18 will be determined this week as it slipped due to extended issues with 3.6.14 release.** Lots of bugs already being fixed though.
== Browser Technologies (Tony) ==
Canmove, confirm

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