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QA Staff Meeting Notes Mar 02, 2011

New Hires

  • Welcome Kevin Brosnan to Mt. View
    • update summary of first week: "Good."

Upcoming Test Events

  • Friday, March 4, 2011: Firefox 4 Add-on Compatibility testday (Henrik)
    • discussion please sign up and assist with testday moderation
    • focus should revolve around top addons, also run major updates
    • ask addon developers to join and help out with questions.
    • Will have endurance tests ran by Dave Hunt
  • Friday, March 11, 2011: Firefox 4 UNCONFIRMED Bugs bugday (Marcia)
    • discussion RC will be available on friday. Talking about combining testday and bugday for Fx4

Project Status

  • Overview (2 min brief update)

Desktop Firefox (Juan)

  • Fx4RC: Code freeze imminent. Waiting for last issues to clear, likely today.
    • QA cycle: We'll start tomorrow and use about three days to qualify. Then continue testing while we monitor crash-stats, new bugs and feedback.
    • RC Plan up for review

Maintenance and Security (Al)

  • Shipped Firefox 3.6.14 and 3.5.17 yesterday, March 1.
  • Pwn2own, a security conference run by ZDI, is occurring from March 9 - 11. There is a significant chance of a zero day for Firefox being shown at the conference.
    • Loose planning is being done for a Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 release (or just one) for the week following pwn2own depending on exposure. This would be done off of the current releases' relbranches.
  • Schedule for official 3.6.15 and 3.5.18 will be determined this week as it slipped due to extended issues with 3.6.14 release.
    • Lots of bugs already being fixed though.

Browser Technologies (Tony)

  • Sync (tracy)
    • 1.6.3 Shipped
    • 1.7 in the next several days
    • Account Portal going live Wed or Thursday
    • First phase of Next Gen server in QA
  • Test Pilot (tracy)
    • 1.1pre5 (mostly notification work) is in QA/Dev cycle. First pass showed work needs to be done.
  • Jetpack (ayan)
    • SDK 1.0b3 released yesterday.
    • Flightdeck 1.0a9 maintenance release tomorrow.
    • Features for 1.0a9 final release.
  • Firefox Home (tony)
    • Firefox 1.1.1 is likely last build to enter App store.
    • Firefox Home 2.0 is the new thang. Demo is this thursday to a internal crowd. Sneak peek, click here

WebQA (Stephen)


FF Engagement Projects

  • Firefox 4 Badges is nearly code-complete; preliminarily staged
    • Crowd-sourcing is well on its way; looking to start testing early next week
  • TwitterParty
    • Quodis has completed dev work, QA will begin as soon as a local staging site is up, go live date is 3/15
  • "Glow"



  • Working on bugs for 1.4


  • 1.7.7 milestone release pushed back to ??? (due to an embargoe)
  • 1.7.7 bugs


  • SUMO 2.6 went out on 3/1 updating all of the mobile SUMO templates
  • SUMO 2.6.1 is planned for 3/8

WebQA Automation


  • Discovery Pane Pages Automated



  • Disabled 11 tests due to Schema update needed. This is a blocker for both Automation and Exploratory

QA Services (Marcia)

  • Meetups/Events
    • No local meetups on the radar yet. Please feel free to make suggestions.
    • Tomcat at CEBIT this week
    • Tchung hosting a QA meetup at the STP conference in Nashville (March 22-24)
  • Community Planning
    • Met with William Quiviger and Pierros Papadeas re: ReMo. has the latest information.
      • Marcia to work with William and Pierros to involve QA in this effort. The goal for 2011 is to recruit 500 Mozilla reps and 5000 new contributors.
  • Accessibility:
    • All blockers landed, and the Thursday nightly build will contain everything we planned for Firefox 4.
    • Dealing with a regression reported to us today, bug 638106, will determine what the impact is and what the cause.
    • David, Fernando (a Linux contractor for a11y) and I will be at the CSUN conference in 2 weeks. Biggest accessibility show in the U.S., down in beautiful San Diego, California.
  • TCM .2
    • Working on .2 release, slated arrival is at the end of this month
    • Features: basic management interface
  • (Al):
    • Upgrade QMO site plugins to be all current for Wordpress 3.1 update
    • Documenting QMO configuration and setup for reference when the apocalypse happens
    • Working on QMO 4.0 plan (finish this week)
  • New Community Initiatives (ashughes)

Test Automation (Henrik)

  • bug 637138 - Ubuntu 10.10 VM on QA-Horus broken - needs to be fixed to stop orangeness.
  • We are still waiting for the VM for our shadow server (Litmus test data); at least the machine has now been ordered.
  • Mozmill 1.5.2 has been released and allows us to enhance our scripts
  • Focused development for Mozmill 2.0; will be shared with our efforts from the shared module refactoring project
Project updates
  • On Demand Updates
    • Successful demo for Matt w/ 3 VMs simultaneously
    • Deploying on qa-horus for full-scale concurrency test
    • Barring problems, expect to deploy for release use within a week or two.
  • Endurance Tests
    • New test landed: Launch new tabs in main window. bug 636080
    • Blog post with screencast completed, just waiting for blog to be syndicated by Planet before publishing. Preview.
    • New whiteboard entry for bugs that require an endurance tests: [mozmill-endurance] combined with [mozmill-test-needed]. Bugzilla query
  • Panorama (ashughes)
    • bug 636454 - Refactor and close() to use keyboard shortcut
      • blocks all Panorama tests -- should be fixed today
    • bug 629165 - Need a Box Object API for drag&drop - etherpad
      • Blocks all Panoram tests which need Drag&Drop as it's incredibly unintuitive
      • Will be reprioritizing work this week (wait for email)
  • Shared Module Refactoring
    • Now on Sprint 3
    • Nearly at Milestone 1 (one small requirement under review left to go)
    • Doing a quick refactoring round, as well as some alignment with Clint's A-Team goals that overlap ours.

Discussion Items

  • Addons test day this Friday (Henrik)
  • Community Manifesto (Anthony) - Anything we want to discuss around it so far?
    • discussion (everyone) please add your comments and thoughts
  • Firefox RC Testplan (Juan)
  • Twitter Account (matt)
    • discussion (mevans) has the credentials to it. Suggestion is to just pass around the account and have people use it respectively.
  • Plans and Timing for QA workweek (needs alignment with QA Automation work week)
    • discussion suggestion is to stay an extra week after the all-hands. another idea is to find a week in a future month.
  • Mark Finkle's test harness addon for performance testing in Fennec (Aaron)
    • discussion everyone help out here with this, if you have an android phone. it takes 5 minutes!

Takeaways and Action Items

Item Owner Due Done?
