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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

296 bytes added, 16:15, 5 September 2011
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* When a user is about to start an IM conversation with a contact, showing the subjects of unread emails from that person could avoid wasting time for both people (maybe the desired information is right there in the bulk of unread emails? Maybe the latest email explains why the person wouldn't be able to give a useful answer anyway? ...)
* When trying to get back to some piece of information obtained in the past from someone, searching in both email and IM archives removes for the user the burden of remembering which communication medium was used.
* Forwarding (parts of) an IM conversation should be easier if the IM conversation is reachable directly from Thunderbird.
* If emails are shown in a conversation view, integrating in that view the IM conversations that happened on the same subject could give a better overview of the exchanges.
|Feature requirements=* Manage contacts for email and IM in a single place.
* Search both Email and IM archives at once.

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