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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

615 bytes added, 17:26, 15 September 2011
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*** If we include a small subset of the features people are used to having in a twitter client, there's a risk of that feature set to be too small to be actually useful.
** Which networks of "instant" communication make sense here?
*** Probably depends on what the users we target need or already use. : some corporate users may need access to private IM networks (Sametime, GroupWise, Office Communicator
*** Need some user research.
** Where do we start?
*** Instantbird has JS (MPL-trilicensed code) for twitter and soon for XMPP and IRC.
*** Lots of closed protocols can be supported through libpurple; however libpurple is GPLed so we can't ship libpurple plugins by default, they would have to be add-ons.
*** We may want to promote open standards, which are better aligned with the Mozilla Manifesto.
*** Supporting XMPP (-> Google Talk and Facebook), IRC (and maybe twitter) would be enough to experiment with the UI; we can add more later.
* Who are the target users?

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