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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

1,177 bytes added, 11:30, 25 November 2011
no edit summary
* The search results should show IMs alongside emails.
* It should be possible to turn off archiving of IMs or to keep them only for a limited period of time, in order to comply with some data retention policies companies may have.
|Feature ux design=* Account management: the account wizard will be (almost?) the same as the Instantbird account wizard. IM account settings will be configured from the current Thunderbird Account Settings dialog.
* Address book integration: fields for adding an arbitrary number of IM contact information per address book card will be added.
* Conversations will be presented in a separate top level "Chat" tab composed of 3 panes: a list of available contacts/ongoing conversation on the left pane, the conversation content in the middle pane, and some context information (contact information, summary of previous interactions with the contact, ...) in a right pane.
* Selection of the current IM status: <em>still being discussed</em>
* Adding IM contacts: (<em>still being discussed</em>) We feel that adding IM contact information in the address book is not the same action as adding an IM contact to the contact list of an IM account, so we need some UI specifically to add contacts to the IM accounts.
* Preferences: a "Chat" pane can be added to the current Thunderbird pref window, offering a relevant subset of the preferences that Instantbird's prefwindow offers.

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