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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

1,475 bytes added, 11:59, 25 November 2011
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* Adding IM contacts: (<em>still being discussed</em>) We feel that adding IM contact information in the address book is not the same action as adding an IM contact to the contact list of an IM account, so we need some UI specifically to add contacts to the IM accounts.
* Preferences: a "Chat" pane can be added to the current Thunderbird pref window, offering a relevant subset of the preferences that Instantbird's prefwindow offers.
|Feature implementation plan=To move forward quickly, the most practicable plan is to put Instantbird's code into a Thunderbird build, and then iterate to remove what can't be shipped (GPL'ed code) and improve the integration.
Main tasks:
* remove the dependency of the IM core of Instantbird on libpurple. (almost done, work tracked in Instantbird <a href="">bug 759</a>)
* integrate more protocol plugins implemented in JavaScript.
** Instantbird 1.0 and 1.1 shipped with only Twitter implemented in JavaScript.
** An XMPP implementation in JS has been developed this summer by a Google Summer of Code student. (currently being reviewed in Instantbird <a href="">bug 1171</a>)
** An IRC implementation in JS has been developed by an Instantbird developer. (needs a review, tracked in Instantbird <a href="">bug 507</a>)
* conversation logs should be written in an easily parsable format (best candidate seems JSON), and indexed in gloda.
* integration into the current address book
* UI integration, the current plan, designed so that we can try a working prototype as soon as possible, is roughly:
** start by the changes needed so that IM accounts can be added/configured
** then add the UI where conversations can happen
** finally, iterate on other integration points and polish details until we are satisfied.

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