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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

36 bytes removed, 12:03, 25 November 2011
no edit summary
Main tasks:
* remove the dependency of the IM core of Instantbird on libpurple. (almost done, work tracked in Instantbird <a href="[">bug 759</a>])
* integrate more protocol plugins implemented in JavaScript.
** Instantbird 1.0 and 1.1 shipped with only Twitter implemented in JavaScript.
** An XMPP implementation in JS has been developed this summer by a Google Summer of Code student. (currently being reviewed in Instantbird <a href="[">bug 1171</a>])** An IRC implementation in JS has been developed by an Instantbird developer. (needs a review, tracked in Instantbird <a href="[">bug 507</a>])
* conversation logs should be written in an easily parsable format (best candidate seems JSON), and indexed in gloda.
* integration into the current address book

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