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1,369 bytes added, 15:53, 23 January 2012
'''goal for this week''':
''planned for this week:''*work on download pages variants (/fx, /speed, /bookmarks, /happy, /new)* help Milos on Affiliate if time permits ''done last week:''Production*FirefoxFlicks in Persian* Pushed new es-ES newsletter page in production along with a rewrite/cleanup of the underlying code for all newsletters.* gu-IN catching up (plugincheck + new dwnbload page)* new Afrikaans download page* Many updates pushed, especiually from es-MX with Mauricio who caught up other es-* locales, and Bulgarian after their QA day* Various CSS fixes in the menus due to changes of strings by localizers On stage * Updated patch in Bug 717608 to also debeta Serbian* New /speed download page, also working on /happy and /bookmarks for top locales* Simplified template (header/footer) that can be activated with an on/off flag in the code for pages such as /speed Community * Web accessibility meetuo last saturaday in the Office, about 20 geeks gathered to work on improving accessibility in computing and Firefox/websites in particular.* Worked with Benoit and Goofy on slogans to use for Affiliate buttons Other* Helped Kadir evaluate the level of his new locale leader for French* Meeting with Tristan to talk about the localization in 4 European locales of his future blog about the Mozilla Mission* Some outreach in bugs for Affiliates* Started looking at the new universal button code 
=== Pike ===
planned for this week:

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