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= QA Staff Meeting Notes January 25, 2012 =

== Meeting Details ==
# Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Warp Core
# Vidyo:
# Phone: +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 95312 (US/INTL)
# +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 95312 (US Toll Free)
# +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 95312 (Canada)
# IRC: [ irc://]

== QA Org Items ==
* New Hires & Interviews
** item
* Upcoming Events
** item
* PTOs

== Discussion Items ==

* item

== QA Team Updates ==

=== Desktop Firefox (Juan) ===
* Fx.Next
* Crash Investigation
* Maintenance and Security (Al)
** Firefox 3.6.25

=== Browser Technologies (Tony) ===
*Fennec (aakash)
*Sync (Tracy)
*Test pilot (tracy)
*Identity (tracy)
*Firefox Home (nhirata)

=== WebQA (Stephen) ===
* Engagement Projects
* Input
* Socorro

=== Community (Marcia) ===
* Upcoming Testdays/BugDays/Meetups
* Video Work
* (Al):

=== QA Automation Service (Henrik, David) ===
* General
====Project updates====
; Prototype of a Fennec Driver (DavidB)

; New Members and Mentors Pages

; CI system for daily and l10n Firefox Builds (Henrik)

; Selenium Grid (DavidB)

; [ Case Conductor]

== Notes, Takeaways and Action Items ==

=== Today ===
* Add notes here
=== Last Meeting ===
* Action Items
Canmove, confirm

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