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1,379 bytes added, 23:49, 21 March 2012
no edit summary
=== Goals ===
* Tier 1 App Support - (*TODO*- put list here, pending Ron's blessing)
* Improve User Experience Issues * Support Kindle cloud reader style app - unlimited storage space** Support Instagram app - camera access
* Publish "Mozilla Marketplace" in Android Market
=== Requirements ===
==== Prioritized Requirements Flows ====
'''See stories for more detail'''
* Install the Marketplace app from Google Play* Install a free and basic app on device* Install a paid basic app on device* (P2) Install a free advanced app on device** Permissioning Model* (P2) Install a paid advanced app on device** Permissioning Model* Install a first app without the marketplace app installed (Marketplaceapp bootstrap)* Install via Synclocally from Apps in the Cloud* UI feedback that an app is installing local resources (i.e. progress bar)
* Native Launch an app from the home screen in chromeless window* Switch back to an app and Soup maintain last state* Log on once into an app without having to log back in at launch (persistent login)* An app crash does not change the state of other apps.* Flash apps auto-play (i.e. cut the rope, angry birds)* Launchan app when offline
* device APISSupport in-app payment* Support using an app with offline mode* Support for launching of default apps* Support webAPIs - see https: file store, camera, geolocation//* Support WebGL - see* media play backSupport multitouch apps* in-context permissions modelInherit current Fennec scrolling, panning, pinch/zoom performance
* Display list of all your apps in the cloud* Install an natively from the apps in the cloud ;Error flows * A running app synccrashes* uninstall (P2) Graceful fail for launching an app without network connectivity (don't display 404 pages) ; Misc notes* Webkit compatibility (ongoing) - all flavorssee* Firefox Profile work (ongoing?)
==== Platforms ====
==== Documentation ====
* See open issue above
==== Metrics ====
=== Misc (other food for thought) ===
* dev tools requirements
** error console
* debug mode for app developers when testing
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu