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Project Eideticker/Machine Setup

172 bytes removed, 12:55, 24 April 2012
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# Then choose the capture tab, and if you plugged everything in (phone HDMI out to card HDMI In) then you will see the phone's screen.
# Install jdk1.7 u3 from oracle (64bit version) - download, extract, copy to /opt/jdk1.7.0_03; ln -s -T /opt/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java
# Install the android sdk from [ sdk] extract to ~. mkdir -p $HOME/tools cd $HOME/tools wget tar -xzf android-sdk_r13-linux_x86.tgz ./ then run android-sdk-linuxlinux_x86/tools/android (with sudo) and install all versions of the update sdk back to 2--no-ui .1, as well as the platform/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools (this step takes a long time, go get lunch). If the /android updater GUI claims to have installed everything in about 5 minutes and recommends you restart it, do so and tell it to install all the things it missed. TODO: Look up the command line for "install all the things"update adb
* LG G2X output is 1080p 60
* Galaxy Nexus output is TODO: determine

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