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Project Eideticker/Machine Setup

94 bytes added, 18:53, 30 April 2012
Install Software on Machine
# Then choose the capture tab, and if you plugged everything in (phone HDMI out to card HDMI In) then you will see the phone's screen.
# Install jdk1.7 u3 from oracle (64bit version) - download, extract, copy to /opt/jdk1.7.0_03; ln -s -T /opt/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java
# Install ia32-libs (needed to run Android tools like adb)
sudo apt-get install -y ia32-libs
# Install the [ android sdk].
mkdir -p $HOME/tools
* LG G2X output is 1080p 60
* Galaxy Nexus output is 720p 60 (but you must connect the dongle to the USB "power" that you'd normally plug into the phone or else it won't transmit anything over HDMI).
= Install Software on Phones =
# Root each phone required for eideticker
# Then install the watcher.apk (can be obtained from an android build testing package (in the bin directory) on the phone.

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