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16 bytes added, 07:33, 10 July 2013
Client-Side Key Stretching
"Key Stretching" is the practice of running a password through a computationally-expensive one-way function before using it for encryption or authentication. The goal is to make brute-force dictionary attacks more expensive, by raising the cost of testing each guess.
To protect the user's class-B data against compromises of our keyserver, we perform this key stretching on the client, rather than on the server. We use the memory-hard "scrypt" function (pronounced "ess-crypt") for this purpose, as motivated by the attacker-cost studies in [[Identity/CryptoIdeas/01-PBKDF-scrypt]]. Slower (low-RAM) devices can still participate by outsourcing the scrypt step to an "scrypt helper". To provide at least minimal protection against a compromise of this helper, we sandwich the scrypt step between two PBKDF2 steps. The complete protocol looks like this:
[[File:PICL-IdPAuth-stretch-KDF.png|Stretching KDF]]

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