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25 bytes added, 07:35, 10 July 2013
SRP Protocol Details
The PiCL client uses the SRP protocol ( to prove that it knows the (stretched) account password without revealing the actual password (or information enabling a brute-force attack) to the server or any eavesdroppers.
SRP is somewhat underspecified. We use SRP-6a, with SHA256 as the hash, and the 2048-bit modulus defined in RFC 5053 Appendix A. We consistently zero-pad all string values to 256 bytes (2048 bits), and use H(A+B+S) as the key-confirmation message "M1". These details, plus the SRP design papers and RFCs 2945 and 5054, should be enough to build a compatible implementation. The diagrams below are annotated with and the test vectors at the end of this page can be used to verify compatibility.
The server should use Jed's SRP module from . The client might use SJCL ( or native code (NSS).

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