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8 bytes added, 21:26, 29 December 2007
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spin off bug:
// UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove() does a sanity check using // IsBookmarkedInDatabase(), so it might not have actually // removed the bookmark. should we have a boolean out param // for if we actually removed it, and use that to decide if we call // UpdateFrecency() and the rest of this code?
upon moving a bookmark, update the frecency. for unvisited bookmarks, this bumps the frecency, because we use PR_Now() as the pseudo visit, which is desired, as we're expressing interest. For visited bookmarks, it may age the bookmark and lower frecency. Is that desired?spin off bug:
upon moving a bookmark, update the frecency. for unvisited bookmarks, this bumps the frecency, because we use PR_Now() as the pseudo visit, which is desired, as we're expressing interest. For visited bookmarks, it may age the bookmark and lower frecency. Is that desired? for now, punt on this and for annoations for updating frecencies. make this a spin off bug.
spin off bug:
we recalc twice on idle, one for invalid and one for old frecencies. need marco's last_visit_date change to make old work right, or do a subquery until then. right now, we are going to recalc the same places over and over. (if we do a sub query, watch out for performance)

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