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265 bytes added, 22:45, 2 January 2008
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12) on clear all data, resetting frecency to -1 and visit count to 0 (see bug #394133)
13) on expiration, I reset frecency to -1 and visit count 0, as we can't trust either anymore.  on expiration (EraseVisits()), for every place we deleted visits, visit_count and frecency is reset. in the code that recalcs frecency, if old frecency is -1, we recalc visit count and update it. 14) on delete visits, see nsNavHistory::RemovePage() and nsNavHistory::RemovePagesFromHost(), set frecency = -1 and visit count to 0 
verify we check oldVisitCount and frecency = -1 everywhere we should be.
a) recalc frecency and visit_count on expiration / deletion of history b) recalc frecency for bookmarks after clearing all private data c) finish that marco related code on nonivalid on idle
yes, because take the following scenario:
a, livemark item get frecency of 0, since not a bookmark b, visit livemark item, frecency of non 0, shows up in ac, no longer hidden c) clear history, livemark item not hidden, would should up in ac, one we recalc, frecency gets 0. d) but if we do this, what happens after migration or first run from b2? e) if we do this, we would need to recalc frecency of bookmarks after clear history, otherwise they would not show up
Q: then do we still needed hidden <> 1?
verify: on any visit, decide if we should recalc xfrecency for bookmarks (remaining places?verify on any erase visit, recalc x) verify on partial expire, recalc x) verify on after clear all data, we set to -1 (or recalc? or leave alone?)just wait until idle

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