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277 bytes added, 22:38, 2 January 2008
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like unvisited livemark items, place: queries should not show up in autocomplete results. using IsQueryURI(), I check if the place url is place:..., and if so, pass in false for isBookmark to CalculateFrecency() so that they stay hidden until visited (or in the case of place: urls, always.) because the frecency is zero (passing in PR_TRUE for isBookmark would result in non-zero frecency), we will also no recalculate frecency on idle. only upon visit.
12) on clear all data, resetting frecency to -1 and visit count to 0 (see bug #394133) 13) on expiration, I reset frecency to -1 and visit count 0, as we can't trust either anymore. in the code that recalcs frecency, if old frecency is -1, we recalc visit count and update it.
recalc on bm import / restore
XXX when removing duplicate ids, should we be resetting recency to -1?

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