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476 bytes added, 03:39, 10 January 2008
no edit summary
email drhipp about indexing and SQLite LIKE contain searches or find the doc about how that doesn't work (marco's comments, too)
we use last <n> visits. if all <n> are embed, but earlier visits were not, when we calculate frecnecy, we could end up with zero, even though the n+1 visit is typed. is this a spin off bug (I think so). we could make sure that if a place as at least 1 non 0,4 visit, we give it a non-zero frecency, or some other idea to prevent this bug.
32) add comment about why we can't trust visit_count (from older versions) (we counted embed!)
x) figure out why with jay's profile, about:configxxx or any misses are slow to type. fix that!
x) after fx 2 / fx 3b2 migration, force a few idles? do a massive frecency recalc? how long does each take? do a few on a timer, not on idle to improve the first impression
// as livemarks feeds yet.
less of a deal as typicall typical bookmarks are much fewer than history? not sure.
note, calling FixInvalidFrecenciesForExcludedPlaces() from from the places import / export code means adding it to the nsINavHistoryService interface

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