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2,819 bytes added, 02:19, 11 January 2008
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'''info about the try server builds''' Big picture view of the changes: 1) unvisited bookmarks will appear in url bar autocomplete (ac) results. this means if you clear private data, if you have bookmarks, url bar ac still has something to return upon typing. 2) results are sorted by frecency globally, which should increase the quality of the results. for example: if a highly ranked (by frececny) site was visited more than 4 days ago, unlike before, it will appear in the first set of results. so say you visit once a week for the past year, but it's been 7 days since your last visit. before, because it was more than 4 days old, it would not be in the first chunk of results. Additonal details: 1) Unlike before, unvisited bookmarks should appear in ac results 2) Unvisited livemark items should not appear, nor should "place:" URLs. 3) Upon first run, I have to add the frecency column to the moz_places table, create an index for that column, and make sure that livemark items and "place:" urls get a frecency of 0, and it should not appear in the ac results. Another way for a place to have a 0 frecency is if the url only has "embedded" visits. 5) If I don't know the frececny of a place, the value is -1. This is what I call an "invalid" frecency. If something has an invalid frecency, it will show up in the ac results. 6) the url bar drop down shows "typed" sites, ordered by frecency descending. 7) When inserting a bookmark, we attempt to calculate a frecency for it. This will impact the performance of bookmark import and also fx 2 - > fx 3 migration. (spin off bug coming about how to deal with it.) 8) for how we calculate a freceny for a site, see (and option 3). I use the 10 most recent visits. this is pref controlled. note, if we don't have any visits for a site, I make an attempt to estimate the frecency. more on this in a spin off bug (including when we should estimate and when we should not.) 9) After only 5 seconds of idle, I'll attempt to recalculate the top 100 invalid frecencies (ordered by visit count) and the top 100 "old" frecencies (order by frecency descending but the last visit date is older than 4 days). (The 5 second number will increase and the 100 number will decrease before I land.). 4 days is not hard coded, it's really older than the first "bucket". 10) after clearing all private data, all remaining places get the frecency of -1, except for livemark items and "place:" urls (which should get frecency 0) For a list of prefs that can be used to tune the algorithm, see '''notesto clean up'''

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