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Grow/Meeting 02 20 14

143 bytes added, 19:18, 18 February 2014
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** Objective: Scale our influence by growing communities that impact Mozilla's key initiatives and the overall health of the Web.
** Measurable goal: Increase active contributors to Mozilla’s target initiatives by 10x
** [ Published town-hall-2014-goals/ Shared out on intranetTown Hall last week]** Plans Questions, comments or ideas? * Opportunities for connection** 200 people/day from Get Involved** 100k+ Nightly users who would see a Nightly First Run page** 60k+ about:mozilla newsletter subscribers** 10k+ Student Ambassadors** 400+ Mozilla Reps** Other opportunities to publish to Mozillians and then publicly later this monthlook into? * Get Involved page updates** Next step: Talk with your team about how this goal shapes your community growth goalsShort-term plan and long-term roadmap
==Action Items and Notes==
Canmove, confirm

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