Webdev/Beer And Tell/May2013

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Date, Time, Location

2PM Pacific, Friday May 17th

Webdev Vidyo channel (798).

If you need to call in: +1 650 903 0800, x92 or +1 800 707 2533 (password on intranet) Then enter 9798#


The limit is 5 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Presenter Topic Media (links) More Details Beer
Selena Deckelmann Database migrations that don't suck: Alembic A Blog Post With Links How we moved Socorro from raw SQL to models and a migration system. And how freaking awesome it is now. Something distilled fitting the tradition of alembics.

Craig Cook

Webdev blog theme (finally!)

Been slowly tinkering on the new theme and it's finally done.

luke-warm tap water

Les Orchard

How I used duck typing on a Raspberry Pi

A quick photo on Flickr, with links to parts

I got my Raspberry Pi driving a 20x4 LCD display in Python by way of a shift register circuit, while knowing barely anything about shift registers and basically nothing about LCD displays.

2-year-old homebrewed Arrogant Bastard clone

Soledad Penadés


Live version / Source code

Twisting getUserMedia + WebGL for fun and profit!

Whatever looks interesting



I used CANVAS for work!

Anchor & Steam