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Mailing Lists/Newsgroups

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Mailing lists are used extensively by the Mozilla community for many things, including:

  • questions that require more than casual effort to consider and answer
  • advocating for a particular direction of development
  • making the community aware of new projects or updates
  • inviting participation in a project

Some lists are less active than others, but they are all read by experienced Mozilla contributors. Questions asked with sincerity and ordinary politeness will get a response.

There are two ways to access the mailing lists:

Here are a few lists to get you started:

List Topic Listserv Usenet
Firefox development dev-apps-firefox
Thunderbird development dev-apps-thunderbird
Development builds dev-builds
Extension building dev-extensions
Platform development dev-platform
Mobile platform development dev-platforms-mobile
XUL development dev-tech-xul

See the complete list here for others. There are also various Labs Google Groups, many of which will make for good student projects.