Firefox OS/TPETeams/2014-08-13

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Taipei Teams

Bugs and features status

Connectivity Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Gaia Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Gfx/Layout Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Media Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

RIL Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

PerformanceTeam Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Difficulties, Problems, and Risks

  • Some user stories still don't have a proper negotiation for dependent bugs.
    • We definetily need to improvide this. Kevin is going to work on this.
    • The first step is to have "?" for "feature-b2g" on bugzilla.
    • This "?" can become "+" only when all relevant teams commit this user story.

Co-working among teams

  • About the conclusion after discussing with MV colleagues.
  • How to co-work with device team?
    • After discussing with Keven, he will assign a developer on device team to work with us.
    • We need to train this developer of device team.
    • Before finding this developer, we still need to help device team to fix device relevant Gfx issues.
  • What is difference of media relevant works between media team and device team.
    • Currently, we are going to keep this working model. If we get any problem in the future, then we can discuss this problem.

Improvement(discuss this week)

  • Performance
    • bug 1043137 - DOM tree with revisions for multi-threading.
      • AI: Start from display list first.
  • Test methods
    1. To have someone to know which features we don't have on emulator.
    2. To have someone to keep monitoring intermittent test.
    3. We should enlarge all of Mozilla tests (marionette, reftest, and so on) for firfox OS. Joans is talking with Tony and James lal for this.
    4. To have device test in Taipei. It helps us to fix some hard bugs. (for example, we can get log right after bug happens.) Brain will arrange this.
    5. To have KK to run on try server.
    6. To have a building system expert in Taipei. Keven team already have this expert. But need to discuss with him to see if he can help.
  • Tools
    • Quickly method to get regression windows.

Feedbacks from EPM and QA


  • Please make sure that all 2.1 features have target milestone and assignee.
  • We will review this on next week.


  • Team builds
    • Had contacted with 白宮行館
      • Discussion Topic in the morning: Why do you want to join Mozilla?
      • Activity in the afternoon: 風帆船.