Firefox OS/TPETeams/2014-08-20

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Taipei Teams

Bugs and features status

Connectivity Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Gaia Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Gfx/Layout Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Media Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

RIL Team Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

PerformanceTeam Status Open bugs Open features

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Difficulties, Problems, and Risks

  • Review of Project Silk take too long (2.1 default off)

Co-working among teams

  • Because of time zone, we should expect that we need to reserve more dev for helping device team.


  • Re-factoring Features
    • none
  • New features
    • How to protect user data in Firefox OS.
      • Are all of components which we own well protected in user data?
      • Do we have a systematic method to protect user data in firefox OS?
      • Do we have any document talking about this?
  • Test methods
    • To have someone to know which features we don't have on emulator.
      • Follow-up: The first step: all teams have to identify what you need.
    • To have someone to keep monitoring intermittent test.
      • Follow-up: Discussing.
    • We should enlarge all of Mozilla tests (marionette, reftest, and so on) for firfox OS. Joans is talking with Tony and James lal for this.
      • Follow-up: There is a following up meeting this Fridays.
    • To have device test in Taipei. It helps us to fix some hard bugs. (for example, we can get log right after bug happens.).
      • Follow-up: QA will try to have test environment for specific bugs.
    • To have KK to run on try server.
      • Follow-up: Some test cases don't work on KK. Are we fine for this problem if we have a device in Taipei?
    • To have a building system expert in Taipei. Keven team already have this expert. But need to discuss with him to see if he can help.
      • Follow-up: Keven Team will help. If we have this kind of problem, talk with Thomas Tasi.
  • Tools
    • none
  • Others
    • none

Feedbacks from EPM and QA


  • Why is QA's auto test plan for OS side?


  • 2.1 Features status


  • Team building in 香格里拉休閒農場 on 9/12
  • Discussion Topics.
  • How about the schedule of next release?
  • SSD purchase for desktop machine