Give Thanks 2015

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Use #mozthx2015 for your posts.

Mozilla Give Thanks 2015 is a community initiative to recognize all the contributions, big and small, that make life as a Mozillian special. The campaign will run from Nov 23rd to 29th, but let's see how long we can keep it going!

How to Participate

It's pretty simple, just make a post on your favorite social media platform thanking a Mozillian for something they did that you appreciated. Use the hashtag #mozthx2015 so we can more easily see who is giving - and receiving - gratitude!

Gratitude Challenges

The idea is to practice gratitude, especially for things and towards people you don't always remember to thank during the year. Here are some ideas:

  1. If you are staff, thank a volunteer or if you're a volunteer thank a staff member
  2. Thank someone for something that usually goes without saying
  3. Thank someone for something you already said a quick thanks for, but you really want to let them know it made your day
  4. Thank someone who's not on your team
  5. Thank someone you've only met once
  6. Thank someone you've never met!
  7. Thank someone in another language
  8. Give thanks for something someone did yesterday
  9. Give thanks for something someone did over a month ago
  10. Recognize something you saw someone do for something else

Share this page

Remember that gratitude should be sincere and from the heart. When you're sharing this page don't pressure or call out others to participate. Your example will be enough to move people.

Hack the campaign

Have ideas on how to improve the campaign? Participate in the planning discussion on the Community Discourse.