Connected Devices/Foxlink
From MozillaWiki
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Foxlink is a short-term experiment to build a software building block that can interact with various devices. Most code is done in Rust.
Development process
All code is open source and hosted on GitHub repositories. Please file bugs on Github issues for these repositories.
You can find us on, channel #foxlink.
We are using some agile practices:
- "Stand-up" meetings happen on etherpad and on IRC every weekday between 5pm and 5:15pm UTC.
- Weekly meetings happen in Vidyo and on etherpad every monday between 5pm and 6pm UTC.
Very early documentation
- Straw-man PoC description on etherpad
- Google Drive folder (everything is behind closed doors so far but we're working on opening this up.)
External participation
Given the very early stage of the project and its incertain nature, we can't promise to accept contributions yet. But still you can have a look at existing issues on GitHub and if some issues look appealing you can ask about them.