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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel
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Previous Action Items
Meeting Notes
- Notetaker:
- Attendees: Jeff, Axel, flod, Peying, gandalf, stas, chofmann, matjaz, delphine
- Put your talking points here.
- Do we want/need/have a public calendar to replace PTO app?
- Let's see what the rest of the company is doing
- flod's to ask on yammer
Action Items
planned for this week:
done last week:
planned for this week:
done last week:
planned for this week:
done last week:
Planned for this week:
- Gaia: Sep 1st is FL, not confident in the quality of landings this week.
- Complete pending work before vacation next week.
Done last week:
- Snippets: started new round for September (deadline Sep 15)
- Gaia: again, lot of "bad l10n" bugs.
- Tools: rewrote code for sp and p12n data extraction, new filterable view (by product, by branch). Will be automated with next Transvision release.
- Restarted working on hg hook for string frozen branches.
- Stage/prod updates.
planned for this week:
done last week:
planned for this week:
- [inpro] Finish first draft of Indic Fennec white paper.
- [inpro] Finish first draft of MQM tool Multilingual article.
- Set up Apertium & Moses on Intellego VM.
- Add to Intellego tech spec
- GSOC postmortem evaluation
- Wiki page about l10n with partners for Delphine to review.
- Plan Post-Grow l10n event (maybe L10n-SIG Training Days?)
- Fennec launch gear to Indic teams (reach out individually)
- Sort out LocWorld plans with Arky.
done last week:
- Continue phasing out Burmese & Occitan.
- Continue mentoring new Swedish localizers.
- Planned l10n events in Brazil, Paraguay, and Chile for September.
- [inpro] First draft of Indic Fennec white paper.
- [inpro] First draft of MQM tool
- Planning for visits to Brazil and South America with Guillermo and Reuben.
- Continued mentoring new Swedish localizers.
- L10n response to the Grow announcement
- Planning for September MQM sprint.
- Added more details to MQM tool spec and its placement within Firefox OS release cycle.
- UML study for Intellego, MQM, and Terminator designs.
planned for this week:
done last week:
planned for this week:
done last week:
planned for this week:
- L10n planning for Bangladesh launch:
- Introduce Mak to Marketing team members, outside agencies who are involved in launch campaign.
- Created checklist to help track project progress and tasks owners.
- Kickoff meeting with community; arrange to get Mak work at full capacity. Meeting Notes
- Legal:
- Work with legal and agency on file updates (Cloud Service ToS and PN)
- Legal doc with mobile partners (prototype agreement): converting files, stage content
- Legal content for Tile sponsored page
- Work with Legal and supporting teams on organizing various needs and streamline content repository
- Marketing:
- Screenshots upgrade for 1.3: (hu, el, pl)
- masterfirefoxos.com: coordinate review and approval for web and video content for 1.4 prior to localization
- Project Status prior to PTO (9/1-12)
done last week:
planned for this week:
done last week:
- compare-locales
- still load of that
- pr-l10n
- ad-hoc validation script for app strings
- reviews
planned for this week:
done last week: