Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-05-24

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  • FlightDeck 0.9.5 status
  • SDK 1.0 status
  • CFX Python dependency linker issue
    • FlightDeck requires a critical, potentially minor change be made to the dependency linker to avoid major usability issues. In a case where two different libraries of the same name are used anywhere in an add-on's code, the add-on will fail to execute as expected. Brian and I discussed a change to the package.json manifest file that would correct the issue, but we need to decide whether to land it.
  • Roundtable


FlightDeck 0.9.5 status

  • search integration, phase 2: Dave out for some time, Wil to implement most important pieces in his place
  • addon repack speed boost: should be able to get another 30% improvement
  • user feedback UI elements: on track
  • develop a revision queuing system: on track, piotr to tackle after his current work
  • refactoring: Sean and Daniel working on a plan to implement MVC pattern
  • new freeze: this Friday, May 27

SDK 1.0 status

Package Name Collision Issue

  • much discussion about merits of requiring library names to be unique versus dealing with non-unique library names when packaging addons
  • decision to require library names to be unique
  • Daniel to identify work required to enforce that restriction