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< Performance | Snappy
- 1 Snappy Apr. 5 Minutes
- 1.1 Actions
- 1.2 Incoming
- 1.3 Projects
- 1.3.1 Persona slowness(ehsan?)
- 1.3.2 Mainthread+Slow SQL (gavin/taras/vlad)
- 1.3.3 Better DOM event/task scheduling - jst (telemetry)
- 1.3.4 Super-slow-startup investigations - vlad, taras
- 1.3.5 Startup optimizations - bbondy
- 1.3.6 Front-end - Dietrich/bbondy
- 1.3.7 Profiler - jrmuizel/BenWa/Ehsan (and more)
- 1.3.8 Nondestructive chromehang - vlad
- 1.3.9 Peptest - mcote
- 1.3.10 GC pause reduction - billm
- 1.3.11 CC pause reduction - smaug, mccr8 (meta bug 698919)
Snappy Apr. 5 Minutes
- Sample Q2 goals:
- Chart showing Snappy bugs resolved in the last week
- did anyone attend the Intel sessions?
- might be useful information at the next profiling session
No actions.
- hardware acceleration: i disabled hwa on all macs in my family, and Firefox has been noticeably snappier across multiple types of macs. related bugs: bug 600763, bug 721273, bug 721892. should have someone from perf team or gfx dig in and at least confirm.
- Taras asked to put on gfx q2 goals
Persona slowness(ehsan?)
- Results from the past week
- issues discovered with animated personas and those that heavily use svg and css
- Ehsan to summarize the issue in a blog/wiki
- look at moving image decoding off of the main thread
Mainthread+Slow SQL (gavin/taras/vlad)
- Results from the past week
- Worked on cancellable sql (bug 722243), have to figure out if benefit from cancellable queries justifies additional locking
- Todo this week
- Ask SQLite guys about fine-grained cancels
Better DOM event/task scheduling - jst (telemetry)
- Results from the past week
- starting to work on slowing down parser in background tabs
Super-slow-startup investigations - vlad, taras
- Results from the past week
- Received batch of slow startup data from March
Startup optimizations - bbondy
- Results from the past week
- bbondy: Bug 692255 - WIll have implemented super review comments for prefetch
Front-end - Dietrich/bbondy
- Results from the past week
- Dashboard:
- QA chrome leak testing - should most affect frontend
- IE Migrator changes started landing, Safari coming soon after.
- Tim Taubert put up AreWeSmallYet, tracking changes in build size:
- Todo this week
- telemetry for home tab vs session restored
- telemetry for # of tabs restored
- taras: investigate if startup cache/omnijar is still of benefit
Profiler - jrmuizel/BenWa/Ehsan (and more)
- Todo this week
- There seems to be an issue with symbolication with latest SPS extension version
Nondestructive chromehang - vlad
- Results from the past week
- Co-ordinate with Softronics QA people & Moz privacy review
- bug 742008: Nightly profiling updates consistently failing
- Todo this week
- Integrate about-telemetry into Firefox as a bundled addon
- Add a pass through mode so local symbolication server can pass symbolication requests to remote server (e.g. local Firefox symbols + remote Windows system symbols)
Peptest - mcote
- Results from the past week
- revision numbers, with links, now in peptest graphs as of March 30
- results keep coming in!
GC pause reduction - billm
- Results from the past week
- bug 641025: incremental GC - disabled due to leaks
- investigating leaks due to incremental GC
- landed bug 716142 (allow multi-compartmental GCs), which enables:
- worked on bug 739899, to keep compartment creation from stopping incremental GC
- Multi compartment GCs should also enable scheduling smaller chunks of GC and CC.
CC pause reduction - smaug, mccr8 (meta bug 698919)
- Results from the past week
- smaug worked on trying to reduce the impact of leaked documents on the CC
- mccr8 worked on bug 653191 (collapse SCCs of JS in CC graph)
- remove more stuff from the CC graph (bug 740185)
- QA is working on plan to test for leaked documents
bug710935 - measure lag in handling user input (needs owner)
- bbondy: I'll probably be starting on this next week, but if you have someone else please feel more than free to take :)