Releases/Firefox 36/Test Plan

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This page is to track testing of Firefox 36 from mozilla-central (Nightly) through to mozilla-release.

Bug queries and graphs for this release and Firefox iterations: Firefox QA Dashboard

How you can help

Would you like to help test Firefox 36? Join us! Here's some things you can do:


Please consult the Rapid Release Calendar for more information.

Milestone Date Checks
Nightly 2014-10-13 Conduct daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are owned
Aurora Migration 2014-11-28 Conduct testing to ensure Firefox 36 Aurora builds are okay, sign off for updates on Friday
Aurora Updates enabled 2014-10-17 Continue daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are tested
Beta Uplift 2015-01-12 Review testing and sign off every beta release
Release 2015-02-24 Review tests and sign off release


Meeting Purpose When Vidyo Room IRC Backchannel
Channel Status Raise quality concerns with the Release Management team 10:00 Pacific on Tuesday & Thursday ReleaseCoordination #planning
Firefox QA Meet the Desktop QA team and hear what they're working on 8:30am Pacific on Wednesdays DesktopQA #qa
QA Team Meet the entire QA team and hear what they're working on! 1:30am Pacific on Wednesdays QA #qa


Priority Check Description Frequency Last Checked
1 Stability Review the stability reports to identify new/rising crash signatures Daily 2014-xx-xx
2 Pushlog Review the pushlog to identify fixed bugs needing verification Daily 2014-xx-XX (not keeping up tho)
2.5 Iteration Triage the iteration bugs, add QA contacts Twice weekly 2014-xx-XX
3 QA Needed Bugs Review and assign qawanted bugs for investigation At least twice a week 2014-xx-XX
4 Unconfirmed Bugs Triage and test unconfirmed bug reports At least once a week 2014-xx-XX
5 Fixed Bugs Flag fixed bugs for verification At least once a week 2014-xx-XX
6 Verification Needed Bugs Test verifyme bugs to confirm fixed bugs are fixed At least once a week 2014-xx-XX
7 Reported Bugs Document and escalated reported bugs as necessary Every Monday 2014-xx-XX
8 Features Ensure features are owned and on track for release Once a week 2014-xx-XX
9 Automation Ensure automation bugs are owned and on track for resolution Once a week 2014-09-XX


The following tracks features targeted for Firefox 36. For more information consult this wiki.

  • Ensure all features which do not require testing are flagged qe-verify-
  • Ensure all features which do require testing are flagged qe-verify+ and have an assigned QA Contact.
  • Ensure all features are either signed-off or disabled before release


  • Feature owner: Some One
  • Status: Unknown

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array


Firefox development now works on two-week iterations. This section tracks the bugs selected for development in these iterations. Please consult the Iteration Dev Walkthrough and the Firefox/IterativeDevelopment page for more information on this process.

  • Ensure all bugs have qe-verify status indicated.
  • Ensure all qe-verify+ bugs have a QA Contact (The Feature Owner page can help here)
  • Ensure all bugs important to be verified are VERIFIED before the end of the next iteration
  • See the Firefox QA dashboard (link at the start of this page) for bug queries and status.



Bug Triage


The following tracks triage of the Mozilla pushlogs.

  • Review each bug in the pushlog and determine if the bug should be
    • A) To be tested by the QA community --> add the qe-verify+ flag to the bug and set the status-firefox36 flag to fixed
    • B) To be tested by a new volunteer --> add the [good first verify] whiteboard tag
    • C) To be tested by the bug reporter --> set the needinfo flag to ask the reporter to confirm the bug is fixed
    • D) Not to be tested at all --> add the qe-verify-flag
  • If you are unsure, set the needinfo flag to the Assignee or QA Contact and ask if the bug needs testing
  • Be sure to set the status-firefox36:fixed flag
  • Ignore any bugs for non-Desktop platforms, with in-testsuite coverage, or which address test failures

QA Needed Bugs

The following tracks bugs which have requests for urgent QA assistance.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Read it and make sure you understand what information is needed (this may be steps or URLs to reproduce, a regression range, or something else altogether)
  • Use the latest build of this Firefox version and test until you've discovered the information necessary
  • Report this information to the bug and remove the qawanted keyword
  • Document the bug in the Completed list

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Unconfirmed Bugs

The following tracks triage and testing of incoming, unconfirmed bug reports.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Use the latest Nightly build to confirm the bug reproduces
  • Flag with reporter with needinfo if you cannot reproduce and need more information
  • Set the status to NEW and ensure the bug is in the appropriate component if you can reproduce the bug (provide as much detail about your testing as possible)
  • If it's a Firefox bug you may want to add the firefox-backlog? flag to it.

All Unconfirmed Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
1070779 Firefox requests single file multiple times in one page Graphics: ImageLib All
1084397 Add a way to toggle chatroom autojoin via a context menu Instant Messaging All
1094732 Beautify jsonp response Netmonitor macOS
1096540 less files not showing in style editor Style Editor Windows 8.1
1107535 Inline SVG elements with mix-blend-mode should blend with the content in HTML. Layout Windows 8.1
1108446 Allow selective font rendering Graphics: Text Windows 7
1108866 When font-family has "narrow" or "black", I get the default font, not the base font Graphics: Text Windows 8.1
1111329 Freeze on Linux with OMTC enabled Graphics Linux
1112717 button and input focus outlines inconsistent, doubled, or missing Layout: Form Controls macOS
1113202 ::-moz-focus-inner should default to padding: 0, border: 0 Layout: Form Controls macOS
1117555 logical "not" css selector for -moz-tree-... pseudo-selectors CSS Parsing and Computation All
1120090 Media queries do not apply to certain window sizes on Windows HiDPI displays Layout Windows 8.1
1126435 Restore Default Search Engines should also delete user-added search engines Settings UI Windows 8.1
1133388 Firefox locks up when parsing invalid HTML containing <button><i class="fa fa-reply" /></button> DOM: HTML Parser Linux
1135549 HTML5 audio not showing in Page Info Page Info Window Linux
1136528 Printer jobs work duplex manual only. Automatic duplex print work at all other browsers, apps and programs. Printing: Output Windows 7
1136702 "thawte Primary Root CA" autority certificate causes SSL problems Security Windows 7
1137014 maintenanceservice_installer.exe fails without notification when there is a %ProgramFiles%\mozilla maintenance service file Installer Windows 7
1137682 When switching from non-retina to retina, rendered HTML is offset Graphics macOS
1138768 When creating a new window by dragging an existing tab, first window doesn't switch back to original tab. Tabbed Browser Linux
1139078 font rendering return code not checked Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1139381 OS X full screen API is not fully supported Widget: Cocoa macOS
1139550 Firefox keeps resetting spellcheck language to Cuban Spanish Spelling checker Linux
1139742 Indexed Database Quota Exceeded File Handling Windows 7
1139850 Sync cannot handle more than one folder in the menubar Sync Windows 8.1
1140073 Video flickers since Firefox 36.0 General Windows 7
1140409 Provde Axolotl as email encryption Security Linux
1140532 Selecting 'No Style' results in 'Basic Page Style' remaining as selected option Menus Linux
1140702 disabling tabs smooth scrolling also disable scrolling new tab into view Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140703 settings for tabs opening and closing animations inconsistency Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140706 tabs (and page) smooth scrolling animation duration is hard coded Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140892 Performance in not active tab is extremely slow in comparison with active tab Networking Windows 7
1141257 Downloaded file is deleted (blocked because of possible virus / trojan) Downloads API Linux
1141458 MathML: mrow elements shrink-wrap MathML Linux
1142151 Allow drag and drop <video> to save the file DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop All
1142742 Setting scroll position to high, yet valid, numbers resets position to 0 XUL macOS
1143473 Sync to custom server fails on Linux Sync Linux
1143500 Minor cosmetic issue when opening large number of sites in one go. Theme Windows 7
1143978 screen flashes random colored lines/shapes on Windows 10 Technical Preview build 9926 Graphics Windows 10
1144110 Restoring a session after a crash does sometimes minimize Firefox Session Restore Linux
1144121 Emit event after enabling input DOM: Events Linux
1144123 Closing the "Restore Session" tab and recovering it can cause it to not contain the previous session anymore Session Restore Linux
1144129 A page with an element scrolled by scrollLeft - this element is not scrolled in the print preview Printing Windows 7
1144394 Right-click context menu is often missing back-button Menus All
1145678 private browsing mode causes all cookies to disappear in certain situation Private Browsing All
1146246 switch tabs if you only have one tab Tabbed Browser macOS
1146297 translate3d: dropdown selector selects wrong element Layout: Form Controls Linux
1146421 Link location at bottom of screen remains when link is not hovered over, after a click Layout Linux
1146575 Certificate lost if installed during Firefox update Security Windows 7
1146617 Firefox themes are moving the bookmarks toolbar above the web address toolbar Toolbars and Customization Windows 7
1147130 table striped in wrong way Graphics Linux
1148264 Firefox does not add a file extension to the download property of an a frame when it should File Handling macOS
1148774 Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 Graphics: Text Windows 7
1148908 Click to enable JavaScript APIs General Linux
1149063 Moving symbols in customize mode does not always allocate the correct place Toolbars and Customization Linux
1149491 window.getSelection() gives high rangeCounts DOM: Selection Linux
1149931 Unnecessary scroll bar under certain circumstances Layout: Block and Inline Windows 7
1153089 Choose Helper Application > Search does not search Widget: Gtk Linux
1153325 Microsoft InfoPath form auto height functionality is does not work in v 36 and above Layout Windows 7
1158466 ASSERTION: Don't schedule the same document multiple times: 'mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.IndexOf(aDocument) == mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.NoIndex', file seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp, line 1642 Layout Linux
1158479 Assertion failure: !mRawPtr, at ../../dist/include/AlreadyAddRefed.h:71 under nsSound::OnStreamComplete Widget: Gtk Linux
1158753 WARNING: XPCOM objects created/destroyed from static ctor/dtor: file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcnt.cpp, line 143 XPCOM Unspecified
1158785 ASSERTION: bad inline size: 'metrics.ISize(lineWM) >= 0', file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 941 Layout Unspecified
1161604 filter : not detecting empty body message Filters Unspecified
1174445 Network monitoring tab get stuck when monitoring HTTP 2 requests Netmonitor Unspecified
1175100 WARNING We should have hit the document element...: file seamonkey-2.33.1-r1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/xul/BoxObject.cpp, line 183 XUL Linux

66 Total; 66 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Unchanged Since One Week

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
1070779 Firefox requests single file multiple times in one page Graphics: ImageLib All
1084397 Add a way to toggle chatroom autojoin via a context menu Instant Messaging All
1094732 Beautify jsonp response Netmonitor macOS
1096540 less files not showing in style editor Style Editor Windows 8.1
1107535 Inline SVG elements with mix-blend-mode should blend with the content in HTML. Layout Windows 8.1
1108446 Allow selective font rendering Graphics: Text Windows 7
1108866 When font-family has "narrow" or "black", I get the default font, not the base font Graphics: Text Windows 8.1
1111329 Freeze on Linux with OMTC enabled Graphics Linux
1112717 button and input focus outlines inconsistent, doubled, or missing Layout: Form Controls macOS
1113202 ::-moz-focus-inner should default to padding: 0, border: 0 Layout: Form Controls macOS
1117555 logical "not" css selector for -moz-tree-... pseudo-selectors CSS Parsing and Computation All
1120090 Media queries do not apply to certain window sizes on Windows HiDPI displays Layout Windows 8.1
1126435 Restore Default Search Engines should also delete user-added search engines Settings UI Windows 8.1
1133388 Firefox locks up when parsing invalid HTML containing <button><i class="fa fa-reply" /></button> DOM: HTML Parser Linux
1135549 HTML5 audio not showing in Page Info Page Info Window Linux
1136528 Printer jobs work duplex manual only. Automatic duplex print work at all other browsers, apps and programs. Printing: Output Windows 7
1136702 "thawte Primary Root CA" autority certificate causes SSL problems Security Windows 7
1137014 maintenanceservice_installer.exe fails without notification when there is a %ProgramFiles%\mozilla maintenance service file Installer Windows 7
1137682 When switching from non-retina to retina, rendered HTML is offset Graphics macOS
1138768 When creating a new window by dragging an existing tab, first window doesn't switch back to original tab. Tabbed Browser Linux
1139078 font rendering return code not checked Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1139381 OS X full screen API is not fully supported Widget: Cocoa macOS
1139550 Firefox keeps resetting spellcheck language to Cuban Spanish Spelling checker Linux
1139742 Indexed Database Quota Exceeded File Handling Windows 7
1139850 Sync cannot handle more than one folder in the menubar Sync Windows 8.1
1140073 Video flickers since Firefox 36.0 General Windows 7
1140409 Provde Axolotl as email encryption Security Linux
1140532 Selecting 'No Style' results in 'Basic Page Style' remaining as selected option Menus Linux
1140702 disabling tabs smooth scrolling also disable scrolling new tab into view Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140703 settings for tabs opening and closing animations inconsistency Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140706 tabs (and page) smooth scrolling animation duration is hard coded Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140892 Performance in not active tab is extremely slow in comparison with active tab Networking Windows 7
1141257 Downloaded file is deleted (blocked because of possible virus / trojan) Downloads API Linux
1141458 MathML: mrow elements shrink-wrap MathML Linux
1142151 Allow drag and drop <video> to save the file DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop All
1142742 Setting scroll position to high, yet valid, numbers resets position to 0 XUL macOS
1143473 Sync to custom server fails on Linux Sync Linux
1143500 Minor cosmetic issue when opening large number of sites in one go. Theme Windows 7
1143978 screen flashes random colored lines/shapes on Windows 10 Technical Preview build 9926 Graphics Windows 10
1144110 Restoring a session after a crash does sometimes minimize Firefox Session Restore Linux
1144121 Emit event after enabling input DOM: Events Linux
1144123 Closing the "Restore Session" tab and recovering it can cause it to not contain the previous session anymore Session Restore Linux
1144129 A page with an element scrolled by scrollLeft - this element is not scrolled in the print preview Printing Windows 7
1144394 Right-click context menu is often missing back-button Menus All
1145678 private browsing mode causes all cookies to disappear in certain situation Private Browsing All
1146246 switch tabs if you only have one tab Tabbed Browser macOS
1146297 translate3d: dropdown selector selects wrong element Layout: Form Controls Linux
1146421 Link location at bottom of screen remains when link is not hovered over, after a click Layout Linux
1146575 Certificate lost if installed during Firefox update Security Windows 7
1146617 Firefox themes are moving the bookmarks toolbar above the web address toolbar Toolbars and Customization Windows 7
1147130 table striped in wrong way Graphics Linux
1148264 Firefox does not add a file extension to the download property of an a frame when it should File Handling macOS
1148774 Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 Graphics: Text Windows 7
1148908 Click to enable JavaScript APIs General Linux
1149063 Moving symbols in customize mode does not always allocate the correct place Toolbars and Customization Linux
1149491 window.getSelection() gives high rangeCounts DOM: Selection Linux
1149931 Unnecessary scroll bar under certain circumstances Layout: Block and Inline Windows 7
1153089 Choose Helper Application > Search does not search Widget: Gtk Linux
1153325 Microsoft InfoPath form auto height functionality is does not work in v 36 and above Layout Windows 7
1158466 ASSERTION: Don't schedule the same document multiple times: 'mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.IndexOf(aDocument) == mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.NoIndex', file seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp, line 1642 Layout Linux
1158479 Assertion failure: !mRawPtr, at ../../dist/include/AlreadyAddRefed.h:71 under nsSound::OnStreamComplete Widget: Gtk Linux
1158753 WARNING: XPCOM objects created/destroyed from static ctor/dtor: file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcnt.cpp, line 143 XPCOM Unspecified
1158785 ASSERTION: bad inline size: 'metrics.ISize(lineWM) >= 0', file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 941 Layout Unspecified
1161604 filter : not detecting empty body message Filters Unspecified
1174445 Network monitoring tab get stuck when monitoring HTTP 2 requests Netmonitor Unspecified
1175100 WARNING We should have hit the document element...: file seamonkey-2.33.1-r1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/xul/BoxObject.cpp, line 183 XUL Linux

66 Total; 66 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Unchanged Since One Month

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
1070779 Firefox requests single file multiple times in one page Graphics: ImageLib All
1084397 Add a way to toggle chatroom autojoin via a context menu Instant Messaging All
1094732 Beautify jsonp response Netmonitor macOS
1096540 less files not showing in style editor Style Editor Windows 8.1
1107535 Inline SVG elements with mix-blend-mode should blend with the content in HTML. Layout Windows 8.1
1108446 Allow selective font rendering Graphics: Text Windows 7
1108866 When font-family has "narrow" or "black", I get the default font, not the base font Graphics: Text Windows 8.1
1111329 Freeze on Linux with OMTC enabled Graphics Linux
1112717 button and input focus outlines inconsistent, doubled, or missing Layout: Form Controls macOS
1113202 ::-moz-focus-inner should default to padding: 0, border: 0 Layout: Form Controls macOS
1117555 logical "not" css selector for -moz-tree-... pseudo-selectors CSS Parsing and Computation All
1120090 Media queries do not apply to certain window sizes on Windows HiDPI displays Layout Windows 8.1
1126435 Restore Default Search Engines should also delete user-added search engines Settings UI Windows 8.1
1133388 Firefox locks up when parsing invalid HTML containing <button><i class="fa fa-reply" /></button> DOM: HTML Parser Linux
1135549 HTML5 audio not showing in Page Info Page Info Window Linux
1136528 Printer jobs work duplex manual only. Automatic duplex print work at all other browsers, apps and programs. Printing: Output Windows 7
1136702 "thawte Primary Root CA" autority certificate causes SSL problems Security Windows 7
1137014 maintenanceservice_installer.exe fails without notification when there is a %ProgramFiles%\mozilla maintenance service file Installer Windows 7
1137682 When switching from non-retina to retina, rendered HTML is offset Graphics macOS
1138768 When creating a new window by dragging an existing tab, first window doesn't switch back to original tab. Tabbed Browser Linux
1139078 font rendering return code not checked Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1139381 OS X full screen API is not fully supported Widget: Cocoa macOS
1139550 Firefox keeps resetting spellcheck language to Cuban Spanish Spelling checker Linux
1139742 Indexed Database Quota Exceeded File Handling Windows 7
1139850 Sync cannot handle more than one folder in the menubar Sync Windows 8.1
1140073 Video flickers since Firefox 36.0 General Windows 7
1140409 Provde Axolotl as email encryption Security Linux
1140532 Selecting 'No Style' results in 'Basic Page Style' remaining as selected option Menus Linux
1140702 disabling tabs smooth scrolling also disable scrolling new tab into view Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140703 settings for tabs opening and closing animations inconsistency Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140706 tabs (and page) smooth scrolling animation duration is hard coded Tabbed Browser Windows 7
1140892 Performance in not active tab is extremely slow in comparison with active tab Networking Windows 7
1141257 Downloaded file is deleted (blocked because of possible virus / trojan) Downloads API Linux
1141458 MathML: mrow elements shrink-wrap MathML Linux
1142151 Allow drag and drop <video> to save the file DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop All
1142742 Setting scroll position to high, yet valid, numbers resets position to 0 XUL macOS
1143473 Sync to custom server fails on Linux Sync Linux
1143500 Minor cosmetic issue when opening large number of sites in one go. Theme Windows 7
1143978 screen flashes random colored lines/shapes on Windows 10 Technical Preview build 9926 Graphics Windows 10
1144110 Restoring a session after a crash does sometimes minimize Firefox Session Restore Linux
1144121 Emit event after enabling input DOM: Events Linux
1144123 Closing the "Restore Session" tab and recovering it can cause it to not contain the previous session anymore Session Restore Linux
1144129 A page with an element scrolled by scrollLeft - this element is not scrolled in the print preview Printing Windows 7
1144394 Right-click context menu is often missing back-button Menus All
1145678 private browsing mode causes all cookies to disappear in certain situation Private Browsing All
1146246 switch tabs if you only have one tab Tabbed Browser macOS
1146297 translate3d: dropdown selector selects wrong element Layout: Form Controls Linux
1146421 Link location at bottom of screen remains when link is not hovered over, after a click Layout Linux
1146575 Certificate lost if installed during Firefox update Security Windows 7
1146617 Firefox themes are moving the bookmarks toolbar above the web address toolbar Toolbars and Customization Windows 7
1147130 table striped in wrong way Graphics Linux
1148264 Firefox does not add a file extension to the download property of an a frame when it should File Handling macOS
1148774 Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 Graphics: Text Windows 7
1148908 Click to enable JavaScript APIs General Linux
1149063 Moving symbols in customize mode does not always allocate the correct place Toolbars and Customization Linux
1149491 window.getSelection() gives high rangeCounts DOM: Selection Linux
1149931 Unnecessary scroll bar under certain circumstances Layout: Block and Inline Windows 7
1153089 Choose Helper Application > Search does not search Widget: Gtk Linux
1153325 Microsoft InfoPath form auto height functionality is does not work in v 36 and above Layout Windows 7
1158466 ASSERTION: Don't schedule the same document multiple times: 'mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.IndexOf(aDocument) == mFrameRequestCallbackDocs.NoIndex', file seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp, line 1642 Layout Linux
1158479 Assertion failure: !mRawPtr, at ../../dist/include/AlreadyAddRefed.h:71 under nsSound::OnStreamComplete Widget: Gtk Linux
1158753 WARNING: XPCOM objects created/destroyed from static ctor/dtor: file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcnt.cpp, line 143 XPCOM Unspecified
1158785 ASSERTION: bad inline size: 'metrics.ISize(lineWM) >= 0', file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/seamonkey-2.33.1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 941 Layout Unspecified
1161604 filter : not detecting empty body message Filters Unspecified
1174445 Network monitoring tab get stuck when monitoring HTTP 2 requests Netmonitor Unspecified
1175100 WARNING We should have hit the document element...: file seamonkey-2.33.1-r1/work/comm-release/mozilla/layout/xul/BoxObject.cpp, line 183 XUL Linux

66 Total; 66 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Orphaned Fixes

Recent fixes with no target milestone set

  • See "Ongoing work" section of the Firefox QA dashboard for a Bugzilla query.

Recent fixes with status-firefox36 missing.

Verification Needed Bugs

  • Review the bugs below in the Pending Triage section and select a bug you want to test
  • Make sure you understand the bug before you begin testing it
  • Test on a previously known broken build to make sure you can reproduce the bug
  • Test on the latest build from the branches which are fixed to confirm the bug no longer reproduces
  • Mark the bug VERIFIED FIXED if the bug appears to be fixed and set the appropriate status-firefox flag to verified
  • Reopen the bug if it still reproduces
  • See the Firefox QA dashboard for bug queries and numbers.

Fixed Bugs

The following tracks triage and testing of bugs fixed for this Firefox version.

  • Select a bug and review it to determine if it should be
    • A) To be tested by the QA community --> add the qe-verify+ flag to the bug and set the status-firefox35 flag to fixed
    • B) To be tested by a new volunteer --> add the [good first verify] whiteboard tag
    • C) To be tested by the bug reporter --> set the needinfo flag to ask the reporter to confirm the bug is fixed
    • D) Not to be tested at all --> add the qe-verify- flag
  • If you are unsure, set the needinfo flag to the Assignee or QA Contact and ask if the bug needs testing. If it looks like it may be or should be in the testsuite, add the testsuite? flag.
  • Be sure to set the status-firefox35:fixed flag
  • See the Firefox QA dashboard for bug queries and numbers.

Reported Bugs

The following tracks bugs reported through day-to-day testing.

  • Once per week, Softvision will send an email identifying their found issues
  • Make sure the issues are documented below
  • Review the NEW issues to make sure they are actionable
  • Actionable bugs can be flagged "firefox-backlog?" according to the backlog triage criteria
  • Any regressions should be nominated to track and be escalated to Release Engineering
  • Review the FIXED issues to make sure they are verified

(To be updated ...)

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Aurora Migration

Post-merge Work (as soon as updates are disabled):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the auroratest channel (before first Aurora builds are generated)

Pre-sign-off Checks:

  • [DONE] Automation - document all Mozmill test failures (on functional tests) and memory usage regressions (on endurance tests - note that those are only run on nightly, so you look for regressions that happened there). Bugs for those are usually filed by the automation team, but check that they are on top of that.
  • [DONE] Features - all scoped features are signed off as ready for Aurora by owners. (If you haven't heard anything to the contrary, that is probably true, but make sure we don't know of blocking issues.)
  • [DONE] Bugs - document and review any reported bugs and issues, nominate them for tracking if serious (i.e. make sure all bugs needed to be tracked have at least a request for that up).
  • [DONE] Stability - review crash stats before sign-off to raise any red flags.
  • [DONE] L10n - contact L10n drivers (usually :Pike) to see if there are any known localization issues.

Post-sign-off Checks (as soon as updates are enabled again):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the aurora channel
  • [DONE] Updates - previous versions of Aurora update to the new version (check a few old builds manually once next round of new builds is available)

35-specific steps around Dev Edition landing:

  • [DONE] 11/07 - MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the auroratest channel (before first Aurora builds are generated)
  • [DONE] 11/10 - MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the aurora channel


Testrun Reports
Report Test Failures
Memory Usage Report
Platform Min Memory Usage Max Memory Usage Avg Memory Usage Net Compared to Firefox 32
Windows 32-bit
Mac OS X
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit

Memory regression being tracked/investigated in: <bug number>


Feature Owner Aurora Sign-off Status Potential Blockers
name someone


Platform Source Build Target Build Result
Mac OS X

Reported Bugs

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Sign-off emails

  • For Beta 1 and RC, sign off on beta-cdntest, RelMan needs to give the "go" for pushing out
  • For Betas in between, directly send "go" for pushing when beta-cdntest is OK.

Known Mozmill Failures

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 1

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
858032 [meta] crashes in EnterBaseline / EnterJit
942130 360p max resolution for WebM HTML5 Videos on Youtube DUPLICATE
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1089682 OOM crash on WebGl game. WORKSFORME
1090518 Crash during WebGL Conformance Tests - /extensions/webgl-depth-texture.html FIXED
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1099151 Can not copy to clipboard using 'Ctrl + C' on html5 youtube videos DUPLICATE
1120967 Broken middle/right click on links via about:preferences pages FIXED
1120980 Cookie notification bar overlaps Search input on Google Maps INVALID

9 Total; 9 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 2

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
856034 Ogg video is muted/unmuted with delay WORKSFORME
942130 360p max resolution for WebM HTML5 Videos on Youtube DUPLICATE
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
1010976 Hitting the "Hide Controls" option twice causes the container area to disappear FIXED
1053783 New window gets out of focus after exiting full screen mode FIXED
1099151 Can not copy to clipboard using 'Ctrl + C' on html5 youtube videos DUPLICATE
1110751 Broken Simulate touch events infobar INVALID
1117708 [e10s] Using the element picker on a new tab tile results in highlighter.js errors and an unresponsive toolbox FIXED
1117716 The text from the Inspector's event bubble is not displayed properly after a scroll WORKSFORME
1122458 Taking a screenshot from the Responsive Design interface results in an error thrown by DownloadsCommon.jsm DUPLICATE
1122491 Navigating to about:preferences while Responsive Design is enabled results in an error thrown by content.js INVALID
1124171 Video and audio play speed resets to normal after pausing and resuming a recording WORKSFORME

12 Total; 12 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 3

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
495040 Implement playbackRate and related bits FIXED
797830 [flash 11.5] Right clicking the Flash content pauses the video when using the 11.5 beta version WONTFIX
858032 [meta] crashes in EnterBaseline / EnterJit
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
1010976 Hitting the "Hide Controls" option twice causes the container area to disappear FIXED
1052569 [meta] Prevent web pages from overriding core tab/window-management shortcuts FIXED
1099151 Can not copy to clipboard using 'Ctrl + C' on html5 youtube videos DUPLICATE
1124171 Video and audio play speed resets to normal after pausing and resuming a recording WORKSFORME
1124666 Back button is not disabled when I'm on youtube and there is no history INACTIVE
1125822 Browser Console throws exception trying to print output when a page runs console.dir() WORKSFORME
1125823 VP9 video is corrupt INVALID
1125842 Toggling "media.mediasource.webm.enabled" pref will not change Mime Type and DASH. INVALID

12 Total; 12 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 4

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
1000108 Switching videos from sd to hd in quicktime is not working properly in Firefox. INCOMPLETE
1008178 Intermittently, mouse-over on personas doesn't preview the themes INACTIVE
1102642 Large OOM in mozilla::MP4ContainerParser::ParseStartAndEndTimestamps FIXED
1126317 Youtube HTML5 videos are overlapped by content from other tabs WORKSFORME

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 5

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
985986 X_CreatePixmap: BadAlloc Crash with oxygen-gtk when opened link with right click [@ mozalloc_abort(char const*) | NS_DebugBreak | X11Error ] FIXED
1000097 UI issues when tiles are dragged out of the tab then resize (tiles locked at old size/position) WONTFIX
1045528 New Tab Page Gear context menu appears detached from the Gear WORKSFORME
1051837 Wrong positioning of the New Tab Page Search drop-down menu when browser is zoomed in/out WORKSFORME
1052569 [meta] Prevent web pages from overriding core tab/window-management shortcuts FIXED
1096632 crash in mozilla::WebGLContext::TexImageFromVideoElement(StrongGLenum<TexImageTargetDetails>, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, mozilla::dom::Element&) FIXED
1099151 Can not copy to clipboard using 'Ctrl + C' on html5 youtube videos DUPLICATE
1124666 Back button is not disabled when I'm on youtube and there is no history INACTIVE
1125842 Toggling "media.mediasource.webm.enabled" pref will not change Mime Type and DASH. INVALID
1127858 Bad framerate and high CPU when context menu is open, window out of focus or hovering some overlays (non-MSE HTML5 WebM) INCOMPLETE
1127879 Video artifacts display sometimes for Youtube with non-MSE HTML5 WebM WORKSFORME
1127884 The "Unresponsive script" warning appears on Facebook page WORKSFORME

13 Total; 13 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 6

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
777680 "Bookmark This Page" in context menu should be highlighted FIXED
1127884 The "Unresponsive script" warning appears on Facebook page WORKSFORME
1128971 crash in mozilla::image::ProgressTracker::SyncNotify(imgRequestProxy*) WORKSFORME

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 7

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


After decision to ship only to Mac and Linux, and leave Windows with b6:

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
942130 360p max resolution for WebM HTML5 Videos on Youtube DUPLICATE
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1043280 Bookmark animation not displayed when page is bookmarked from the Context Menu WORKSFORME
1052569 [meta] Prevent web pages from overriding core tab/window-management shortcuts FIXED
1066036 OOM causes a browser crash in decodeAudioData. INVALID
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1130394 Firefox hangs when loading a page with flash content INCOMPLETE
1130414 Flash no longer works on Windows XP x64 due to enabling of the no-admin sandbox for Flash INCOMPLETE

8 Total; 8 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 8

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
972658 Undo 'restore defaults' does not restore toolbar visibility (bookmarks / menu toolbar )
1131594 youtube video re buffers when maximizing the window WORKSFORME
1131604 Yahoo toolbar preferences are broken and several elements are missing from the toolbar INVALID

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 9

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
827042 [Regression Firefox v17 -> v18] Flash video stop playing if the context menu is visible WONTFIX
836732 Buttons in pdf.js remain in hover state after selection FIXED
843218 pdf.js key binding for MAC INCOMPLETE
905902 Crash while scrolling complex and big web pages WONTFIX
1018882 No option to deselect text if all selected in presentation mode FIXED
1018973 PDF's current position is intermittently modified when "Current view" is selected FIXED
1124666 Back button is not disabled when I'm on youtube and there is no history INACTIVE
1132420 Stuttering image, fps drop when seeking videos or switching from default/Theater mode to fullscreen INCOMPLETE
1132423 Black image on videos for a few seconds when switching fullscreen and default/Theater WORKSFORME
1132429 Drop in framerate for Youtube Flash videos when opening Firefox context menu and hovering elements INCOMPLETE
1132433 YouTube settings menu is misplaced after playing several high definition videos from the recommended videos section INCOMPLETE
1132860 Error printing when trying to print a pdf file after exiting 'Presentation Mode' WORKSFORME
1132910 Hang in |InterlockedIncrement WONTFIX

13 Total; 13 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 10

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Manual
    • [DONE] Exploratory testing covering: Web Compatibility, Video & Audio playback, Youtube Flash Compatibility
    • [DONE] Investigation of bug 1134052 on multiple Windows Vista x86 machines
    • [DONE] Verification of bug 1119535 on Windows XP (since Youtube serves HTML5 again for Windows)
    • [DONE] Bug verification
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
827042 [Regression Firefox v17 -> v18] Flash video stop playing if the context menu is visible WONTFIX
856034 Ogg video is muted/unmuted with delay WORKSFORME
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
1010976 Hitting the "Hide Controls" option twice causes the container area to disappear FIXED
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1124666 Back button is not disabled when I'm on youtube and there is no history INACTIVE
1132433 YouTube settings menu is misplaced after playing several high definition videos from the recommended videos section INCOMPLETE
1134210 Youtube error during page refresh INCOMPLETE

9 Total; 9 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Release Candidate

Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • This is the 36.0 release build. We should test updates on beta-cdntest for a preliminary sign-off (Release Management must give the "go" for pushing to beta), then on beta after the push to beta, and then on the day before release (Monday), after a full sign-off and push to that channel, run tests on release-cdntest.
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Build 2 (done because of the AMD crash being >1% in build1 on beta):

  • Manual
    • [DONE] Sanity testing covering: Basic Web Compatibility, investigation of AMD crash
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • This is the 36.0 release build. We should test updates on beta-cdntest for a preliminary sign-off (Release Management must give the "go" for pushing to beta), then on beta after the push to beta, and then on the day before release (Monday), after a full sign-off and push to that channel, run tests on release-cdntest.
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
827042 [Regression Firefox v17 -> v18] Flash video stop playing if the context menu is visible WONTFIX
942130 360p max resolution for WebM HTML5 Videos on Youtube DUPLICATE
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1052569 [meta] Prevent web pages from overriding core tab/window-management shortcuts FIXED
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1105939 Don't use mac fullscreen for dom fullscreen FIXED
1124666 Back button is not disabled when I'm on youtube and there is no history INACTIVE
1132433 YouTube settings menu is misplaced after playing several high definition videos from the recommended videos section INCOMPLETE
1135052 [Youtube] Clicking Next/Previous in HTML5 Full screen will sometimes NOT auto play the video WORKSFORME
1135055 [Youtube][HTML5] "Default view"/"Theater mode" works incorrectly after using Next/Previous from Full screen

10 Total; 10 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Release 36.0

Build Information

  • See Release Candidate Build 2


  • Update Testing - see Release Candidate Build 2
  • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
    • Used commands:
    • Results
      • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2015-02-24: Win32: 25% - Mac: 24% - Linux32: 21% - Linux64: 23%
      • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), 2015-02-27: Win32: 0% - Mac: 0% - Linux32: 0% - Linux64: 0%
      • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%), 2015-02-xx: Win32: % - Mac: % - Linux32: % - Linux64: %


Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand, build2)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1052569 [meta] Prevent web pages from overriding core tab/window-management shortcuts FIXED
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1113637 Blank display for some WebGL games (Could not initialise shader error) INVALID
1113647 crash in @0x0 | WORKSFORME
1113743 crash in TIntermConstantUnion::getIConst(unsigned int) DUPLICATE
1137602 Windows only - Global indicator does not call any pop-ups from Firefox INCOMPLETE
1137603 WebRTC sharing notifications fail to open from the global indicator when the Hello window has been detached FIXED

8 Total; 8 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • X beta blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand, build1)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)

Bugs Reported

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • No blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Manual
    • [DONE] Verify security fixes
  • Automated (configs for ondemand, build1)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)

Bugs Reported

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);