Releases/Firefox 47/Test Plan/Beta/3

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Firefox 47.0 Beta 3 Test Plan

QE recommendation regarding the quality of the build

  • Recommendation based on results from manual testing:
Build 1 SHIP IT

Manual Testing summary - Platform Coverage and Areas Tested

  • Testing performed around: Image Support, Audio Compatibility and PDF Compatibility.
  • Test Cases executed and results: report

Build 1

Platform Build architecture Assignee Results: report
Windows 7 x86 (AMD Radeon HD 6450) 32-bit Bogdan Maris [DONE]
Windows 10 x64 (AMD Radeon HD 3000) 64-bit Alexandra Lucinet [DONE]
Mac OS X 10.8.5 (AMD Radeon HD 6630M) 64-bit Camelia Badau [DONE]
Ubuntu 15.04 x86 (Intel® Ivybridge) 64-bit Petruta Rasa [DONE]
Tested Area Testing Type Results
IMAGE SUPPORT Regression Testing PASS


See the [1] gdoc for a general overview

Feature Owner Status Details Test Plan
Per-monitor DPI Bogdan Maris [ON TRACK] Feature targeted for Firefox 47 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 47 Test Plan
Sync Tabs Sidebar Camelia Badau [ON TRACK] Feature targeted for Firefox 47 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 47 Test Plan
YouTube Embedded Rewrite Mihai Boldan [ON TRACK] Feature targeted for Firefox 47 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 47 Test Plan


New bugs

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Known Issues - also seen in previous builds

Major issues also seen in previous builds


Low impact issues also seen in previous builds

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
839074 Selected text doesn't stay selected after zoom RESOLVED FIXED
1010976 Hitting the "Hide Controls" option twice causes the container area to disappear VERIFIED FIXED
1037792 Cannot scroll by dragging the scrollbar thumb after doing Ctrl+A (Select All) NEW
1124171 Video and audio play speed resets to normal after pausing and resuming a recording RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1144124 Select all in PDFs also selects text in the pdf.js UI NEW
1161952 [Ubuntu] Low quality when printing a pdf file RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1177385 pdf.js's controls are also affected by the zooming actions initiated from the menu RESOLVED DUPLICATE
1194241 [Ubuntu] Pause option is not displayed in context menu while the audio sample is played RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1194700 [e10s] Unnecessary zoom option in pdfjs RESOLVED FIXED
1210769 Glitches after opening images via flickr RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1211884 The tools menu from the pdf.js page is not dismissed by clicking on the toolbar VERIFIED FIXED
1223391 [Linux] Audio jumps when I'm right clicking in different places on the time bar RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1224550 Glitches when resizing firefox width on RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1224553 The stats are displayed for one second when opening a picture from RESOLVED INCOMPLETE
1233359 Glitches after opening images in facebook NEW
1253610 [e10s] Focus rect displays on media element after click RESOLVED FIXED
1267592 "Select all" context menu option doesn't work in presentation mode using pdf.js RESOLVED WONTFIX

17 Total; 3 Open (17.65%); 12 Resolved (70.59%); 2 Verified (11.76%);

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1249365 Latest Nightly 47.0a1 breaks Hello - No camera/microphone found VERIFIED FIXED
1253125 [telemetry] Toolbox panels should not call toolOpened manually VERIFIED FIXED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 2 Verified (100%);

Status tags

  • [NOT STARTED] - {{mnotstarted}} - little or no work has started on this task
  • [ON TRACK] - {{mok}} - task is actively being worked on and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [DONE] - {{mdone}} - task is completed and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [AT RISK] - {{mrisk}}- blocking bug / high number of bugs / other confidence-shakers makes us feel not comfortable with the quality of the build.
  • [IN PROGRESS] - {{mprog}} - actively being tested on
  • [INVESTIGATION NEEDED] - {{minvest}} - more investigation needed