QA/per-monitor DPI

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Draft testplan

per-monitor DPI


Developer contacts: Jonathan Kew mail , :jfkthame on IRC

QA Lead: Bogdan Maris mail , :bogdan_maris on IRC



[LANDED] Nightly 47: first landed in 2016-01-13

[LANDED] Developer Edition 47: landed in 2016-02-12

[LANDED] Beta 47: landed in 2016-04-25

[ON TRACK] Release 47: tbd

Risk analysis

This is a draft
Event Probability Impact Current situation Mitigation steps
Firefox crashes is a user shares tabs/windows probable blocker Firefox will crash intermitently if a user tries to share a tab/window This issue is tracked in Bug 1137614
Firefox fails to display shared tabs/windows probable high Sometimes starting tab/window sharing before the call will not show the tab/window when someone joins conversation This issue is tracked in Bug 1146882 and covered by regression testing
Shared window is displayed propperly probable high There may be lots of windows that will not be propperly displayed Periodical regression testing covers this area
Various graphical issues while sharing probable medium Some graphical issues can appear during a conversation or with the Hello controls Periodical regression testing covers this area
Sharing options displayed in unsuported OS`s improbable medium Some buttons/options can be available on platforms that don`t support Hello screensharing (Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6) Periodical regression testing covers this area



Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 include an option to adjust the DPI (dots per inch) scaling in percentage for each monitor connected to the same PC. This gives you more control when you're using monitors of varying resolutions, rather than applying a single DPI scaling percentage to all of your monitors.

Enabling the feature

  • Enabled by default in all Firefox 47 versions (Nightly, Developer Edition, Beta, Release) and available for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
  • Can be 'disabled' if:
    • Windows 8.1 - Windows's control panel choosing the option to "Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays"
    • Windows 10 - match the size of text to all monitors connected to PC (Start > Settings > System > Display).

(note that 'disabling' this will affect all others programs as well since it's a windows setting)


  • tbd

Test cases

  • [ON TRACK] Test suite: here.

Bug work

Tracking bug

meta: Bug 890156 - Support per-monitor DPI on Windows 8.1 & 10 desktop

  • blocks:
    • Bug 820679 - (win-hidpi) [tracking] support for hi-dpi display (resolution scale factors > 100%) on desktop (non-Metro) Windows
    • Bug 1247495 - Firefox renders blurry (or reduced contrast) pages on secondary display
Bug triage +/- for verification


Bug fix verification

[VERIFIED] Bug 1254020 - Dropdowns and scrollbars look awful with Windows on Retina display

[VERIFIED] Bug 1259065 - Cursor changes position when Firefox is dragged from one screen to another

[VERIFIED] Bug 1264193 - Broken Firefox layout when transition from lowdpi to hidpi monitor

[VERIFIED] Bug 1264196 - Text not scaling in Hello and Pocket when firefox is in between lowdpi and hidpi screens

[VERIFIED] Bug 1265977 - Firefox window jumps multiple times from hidpi to lowdpi during moving transition

Logged bugs

Bug 1259065 - Cursor changes position when Firefox is dragged from one screen to another

Bug 1262398 - Cursor has a different position for each monitor while Firefox is dragged to multiple monitors

Bug 1264193 - Broken Firefox layout when transition from lowdpi to hidpi monitor

Bug 1264196 - Text not scaling in Hello and Pocket when firefox is in between lowdpi and hidpi screens

Bug 1265977 - Firefox window jumps multiple times from hidpi to lowdpi during moving transition

Bug 1266036 - Firefox is displayed on entire screen bypassing windows snap assist functionality when using two screens

Bug 1266377 - Trouble re-scaling content at some stages while transition from hidpi to lowdpi monitor

Bug 1267636 - DevEdition theme and others cropped in menubar when switching to lowdpi monitor

Sign off


  • All the test cases were executed.
  • All the blocker, critical, major bugs have been fixed.


Aurora Sign-off - (2016-03-11)

  • [DONE] Aurora 47

Beta Sign-off - (2016-04-22)

  • [DONE] Beta 47

Release Sign-off (xxxx-xx-xx)

  • [ON TRACK] RC 47.0