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154 bytes added, 07:08, 31 December 2007
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like unvisited livemark items, place: queries should not show up in autocomplete results. using IsQueryURI(), I check if the place url is place:..., and if so, pass in false for isBookmark to CalculateFrecency() so that they stay hidden until visited (or in the case of place: urls, always.) because the frecency is zero (passing in PR_TRUE for isBookmark would result in non-zero frecency), we will also no recalculate frecency on idle. only upon visit.
12) on clear all data, resetting frecency and visit count to 0 (see bug #394133)
a) make sure recalc frecency and visit_count on clearing expiration / expiring, set deletion of historyb) recalc frecency to -1for bookmarks after clearing all private data
c) finish that marco related code on nonivalid on idle
d) need to clear visit counts and last visit date (?) as they affect frecency
e) on expire / idle, re calc, to get bookmarks
c) clear history, livemark item not hidden, would should up in ac, one we recalc, frecency gets 0.
d) but if we do this, what happens after migration or first run from b2?
e) if we do this, we would need to recalc frecency of bookmarks after clear history, otherwise they would not show up
Q: then do we still needed hidden <> 1?

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