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NOTE: After you have this all set up, you may encounter this error at a later date:

[Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:21:10 GMT] [error] [<0.137.0>] OS Process Error <0.8282.0> :: {os_process_error,{exit_status,127}}

This is due to your XULRunner version having changed (you probably installed a new version of Firefox). Update /etc/ and rerun ldconfig as described below.

Installing CouchDB and Orange Factor/WOO on Ubuntu

In order to replicate the existing public orange_factor app from, you'll have to install at least version 1.0.1 of CouchDB, which isn't in Ubuntu. There is a further issue in that libmozjs is no longer a separate package in Ubuntu 10.04.

Tackling those problems in reverse order, you'll need to install xulrunner-dev to get libmozjs:

sudo apt-get install xulrunner-dev

# check which version of xulrunner you have installed by running "xulrunner-dev".
# Ubuntu 10.04 as of 19 Oct 2010 has; replace that in the following if you have a
# different version.

sudo vi /etc/
# add these two lines:

sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Now you should be ready to install CouchDB. These instructions are taken from

sudo su
# Install dependencies required to build couchdb from source
apt-get build-dep couchdb
cd /opt
# download the latest release from
# wget <url>
tar xvzf apache-couchdb-x.xx.x.tar.gz
cd apache-couchdb-x.xx.x

# see xulrunner directions below and do them this fixes problem where basic test suite fails to run.
# Note: To install couchdb in the default location use --prefix= in the configure statement
# Note: To check what XULRunner version you have installed use xulrunner -v
./configure --prefix= --with-js-lib=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-x.x.x.x/lib --with-js-include=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-x.x.x.x/include

# Now you can compile and install couchdb
make && make install
# Add couchdb user account
useradd -d /var/lib/couchdb couchdb
chown -R couchdb: /var/lib/couchdb /var/log/couchdb

# next two steps fix problems where adding admin hangs or setting admins in local.ini hangs the start. Also fixes problems with reader_acl test.
chown -R root:couchdb /etc/couchdb
chmod 664 /etc/couchdb/*.ini
chmod 775 /etc/couchdb/*.d

# start couchdb
/etc/init.d/couchdb start
# Start couchdb on system start
update-rc.d couchdb defaults

# Verify couchdb is running
# {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"1.0.1"}

The "--prefix=" configure option will cause couchdb to be install as /bin/couchdb, which is kind of weird, but otherwise with, say, "--prefix=/usr" the /etc/ files will be installed as /usr/etc/. I think this is a bug with the installation stuff (I've certainly never seen a configure script behave like this), but regardless the above works.

At this point, you can replicate the existing database. Go to and hit the "Create Database" button at the top of the main panel. Use the name "orange_factor". Then go to "Replicator" in the right side bar. Choose to replicate changes from remote database to local database orange_factor. After a minute or two, you should see a status message. Go back to "Overview" and you should see a number of documents listed for orange_factor.

At this point, you have a full local installation of orange factor, which you can find at However, since everything for a couch db (JavaScript files, HTML files, etc.) is stored inside a single file, you will have to get the application code separately if you want to work on the app itself.

You will need to install the python package couchapp. You'll need setuptools installed if you don't already have it:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

And then to install couchapp:

sudo easy_install -U couchapp

Now we grab the current version of the orange_factor code and install it locally. Go to whatever directory you usually keep your projects in, and run

couchapp clone
cd woo
couchapp push orange_factor

It'll print out a message about visiting your new app, but the real page will be still be From this point on, you can run "couchapp push orange_factor" from the woo directory to push local edits to the database.