B2G/QA/Automation/UI/Scrum/Sprint 4

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Sprint 4 2014-11-10 -> 2014-11-21


  • Continued cleanup of carryovers
  • New app tests



Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Resolution Priority Qa whiteboard
947145 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Output our test/device status mapping into a table FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-s5]
968741 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Update test_create_new_alarm to wait for the alarm to trigger FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-s4]
982839 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test to protect against the regression seen in bug 981804 (navigate out of fullscreen video) FIXED P1 fxosqa-auto-s5, fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-from-s3, fxosqa-auto-from-s4,fxosqa-auto-from-s1
986431 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Investigate why tests are failing with "Keyboard not interpreted as displayed. Debug is_displayed(): False" WORKSFORME P1 [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1000863 Martijn Wargers (dead) Investigate test_fmradio_find_stations.py failure FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-auto-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-s7]
1047168 Martijn Wargers (dead) Modify test_play_youtube to play a video file locally FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s4, fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s3, fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-from-s1
1071587 Martijn Wargers (dead) [v2.2] Investigate test_play_youtube_video failures FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1086662 Martijn Wargers (dead) Add a test that ensures test_camera_capture_video.py saves a video file of a minimum size FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s4, fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s3, fxosqa-auto-from-s2
1087926 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to check that a Contact's photo appears when receiving a call. FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1090281 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Investigate failure in test_setup_and_send_imap_email.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-from-s3]
1091676 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Investigate intermittent failure in test_cost_control_reset_wifi.py WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1092195 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Investigate failure in test_cost_control_ftu.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-from-s3]
1093131 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Add a test that delete browser's history FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1093583 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th [DSDS] Add test to make a phone call with default SIM FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s3][fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-s5][fxosqa-auto-points=3]
1093585 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th [DSDS] Add test to make a phone call with "Always ask" setting WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s3][fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-dropped-s5][fxosqa-auto-points=3]
1093589 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th [DSDS] Add test to receive phone call on both SIMs FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s3][fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-s5][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1093608 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s3][fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-auto-dropped-s6][fxosqa-auto-points=3]
1093874 No-Jun Park [:njpark] Create a new test case for loading a mix of valid/invalid image files into Gallery App FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1094139 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th [DSDS] Add test to check that voicemail hotkey always ask for which SIM to use WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-dropped-s5][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1094144 Martijn Wargers (dead) Add a test that ensures test_play_*_video has the correct audio channel opened FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s5, fxosqa-auto-from-s4, fxosqa-auto-points=8
1094151 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test to install & launch a packaged app from the Marketplace FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s4, fxosqa-auto-backlog+, [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1096915 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Add a test to re-dial the last MO number by pressing the call button twice FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-s5]
1096920 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Add test to delete entire call log when it has several calls, All tab FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1096928 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Intermittent test_add_contact_to_favorites.py TestAddContactToFavorite.test_add_contact_to_favorite | TimeoutException: TimeoutException: Timed out after 10.1 seconds FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+]
1097035 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Write a test to verify that the user can forward a sent message FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1097040 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Write a test to verify that the SMS auto-save draft when message app terminated FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s5][fxosqa-auto-from-s4]
1097085 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Write test Verify that the Ringer Tone can be changed FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1097088 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Write test Battery Turn on Automatically options FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4]
1097605 Martijn Wargers (dead) Update method for getting mobile data state in Usage app FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s4][fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1097754 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th test_dialer_receive_call_with_locked_screen.py sometimes doesn't wait until the callscreen arrives at the bottom of the screen WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-from-s7][fxosqa-auto-s8][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1098279 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add -dsds to existing Jenkins jobs FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1098300 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] [v2.2] Investigate test_dialer_miss_call_from_known_contact_notification.py intermittent failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+]
1098311 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Switch a device from the UI tests pool to DSDS FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1098313 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Create a job for DSDS test cases FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1098317 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Put an extra SIM card in b2g-22.1 and update credentials FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1099041 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add the manifest file that sets the default values as a dependency to the others FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1100411 lusob Create test to verify status bar icons appear when home screen is scrolled FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s7]
1100846 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Investigate test_sms_with_attachments intermittent failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+]
1100994 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Fix test_settings_device_info.py failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+]
1101227 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Intermittent test_system_notification_bar.py TestNotificationBar.test_notification_bar | AssertionError: 'TestNotificationBar_BODY' != u' FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s4+]

40 Total; 40 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


  • [Bebe] Find out about suggested reviewers
  • [Bebe] Cross check with the past automation reports if the reported failures (intermittent and expected), are consistent with manual fails
  • DONE: Fix queries for Scrum wiki pages [geo]
  • DONE: Fill out rest of info for team wiki pages [geo]
  • DONE: Create legacy pages for and tag Sprint 2 and Sprint 1 tasks [geo]
  • DONE: Create performance acceptance report for 11/07 builds [geo]
  • DONE: Create performance acceptance report for 11/14 builds [geo]
  • Investigate Marionette-JS device tests [njpark]

Sprint Planning

Sprint Meetings

  • TBD


  • TBD