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Open Badges Onboarding Questionnaire


When we discuss open badges with new partners the need for greater details regarding there site and project become required to assist in determining how to best support them. It is from the answers to these questions that we can better and more quickly get to servicing there needs. This need comes from a system integrator perspective. Need to know what exists at the issuer end of things. From both a technology infrastructure perspective and a pedagogical perspective.

Keep in mind this questionnaire is used after initial contact and after first call. This should be offered up to clarify and go deeper with understanding. Some of these questions may go unanswered and become a part of subsequent onboarding discussions.

related google doc


These questions are divided into two categories; technical and course / badges design. The technical questions focus on your current technical environment, its capabilities and resources. The design questions focus on the courses and programs which badges are being issued and the design of the badges.


Does your course / program utilize or “touch” a Learning Management System (LMS) or similar system?

Please discuss, where you record the information about your students and where you will store and manage the information about being awarded a badge. What information will be stored about this awarding and where?

What technology platforms / programming languages are available to you for integrating with your LMS?

Drupal, Moodle, Wordpress, PhP, Python, MySQL, Etc...

Do you have access to technical resources?

Are there programming or system administration resources available to assist with the more technical aspects of this open badges implementation?

Where will the criteria and evidence of every awarded badge be located?

Every single badge issued to every earner will have a different evidence attribute. Where will you be storing this evidence? or will you leave that up to the earner? Every badge will have their own criteria attribute. This attribute is different than the evidence for it would be shared for a given type of badge. Where will you store your badge criteria?

What is the domain name of your badge issuer?

Have you already identified the URL (domain name) from where your badges will be issued? If you want to utilize openbadger, would you be satisfied with a domain name like or would you rather have your badges issued from this also goes back to the branding issue discussed in User:Prawsthorne/Questionnaire#Do_you_have_a_badge_or_badges_designed.3F

Is it important that your badges resolve back to your domain name?

Is it important that all attributes of a badge resolve back to your organizations domain name? This is covered in a couple of previous questions, and is more deeply probing the branding and display of issued badges.


Describe your course / program? and how you see a badge (or badges) being awarded?

This question is about getting to know the size and scale of the course or program. If it is a MOOC that is different than if it is a single event maker fair, or a K12 course, etc. It is also important to think about how badges will inter-relate. Will they stand on their own or are they a member of a group of badges, or are they a prerequisite to another badge. Think openly and without restraint about how you want you badge system designed...

How many people will participate in the course / program?

30 to 100 people at a single event course is different than > 1000 in a MOOC. Manually issuing badges could be an option for the single event, but not the MOOC.

What is the duration of the course?

Single event, or many months, or a year, or never ends...

Describe the roadmap of the course / program?

If this is the first occurrence of awarding a badge where do you envision the issuing of badges ending up within your organization, school, district, university, mission, etc...

Have you thought about your badge system design?

how many levels of badges? Is the badge system broad or is it deep? badges for milestones, or badges for course completion, or badges for module completion, or badges for assignment completion...lots of thinking needs to go here, and it really is your thinking to do.

Do you have a badge or badges designed?

Where are you in the process of designing your badges? Have you considered the branding side? The earner will be choosing where to display your badge, have you considered this? This is an opportunity to promote your brand. If the badge shows up on facebook or linkedin, what do you want it to look like?