From MozillaWiki
Main Location
Faculty for Electrotechnic and Information Technology (FEIT).
- Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
- Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
Internet Access
- The main location has WiFi coverage in the amphitheater.
- Same connection will be used for streaming the event.
Alternative Locations
- Art Centre Mala Stanica an old cargo railway station now renovated and used as an multimedia centre- I have contacted them for a rental price and availability, they require a wirtten request, I will fax them by this weekend.,
- National Gallery Cifte amam, an old turkish bath in the old bazaar, renovated and used as a exibitons space. I have contacted them for a rental price and availability, they require a wirtten request, I will fax them by this weekend.,
- Macedonian Cinemateque, they have a large conference space, a large screen, lobby and a very good location. No official contact yet, but we have contact infromation so I will have more infromation tomorrow.