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The Mozilla Foundation Board is responsible for corporate governance and strategic oversight, including the annual appointment of directors for the Foundation’s subsidiaries. This also participating in broad conversations about the long term scope of Mozilla. It may also include sitting on Boards or Committees that oversee the work of subsidiaries or the Mozilla Foundation Programs.

Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 15-44-50 November MoFo Monthly Meeting Slide Deck 2023.png

Board Composition

Voting directors

  • Mitchell Baker, Chair of Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation
  • Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director at Hyperledger and Apache founder
  • Helen Turvey, Managing Partner, Philanthropy Matters
  • Mark Surman, President and Executive Director of Mozilla Foundation
  • Nicole Wong, Attorney specializing in Internet, media and intellectual property law
  • Amy Keating, Chief Legal Officer at Planet Labs
  • Alondra Nelson, Harold F. Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study
  • Edwin Macharia, Co-Founder of Axum
  • Raffi Krikorian, Chief Technology Officer at the Emerson Collective
  • Zain Habboo, Chief Marketing & Mobilization Officer at the International Rescue Committee

Former Board Members

  • Mohamed Nanabhay, Deputy CEO of the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF)
  • Ronaldo Lemos, Project Lead for Creative Commons Brazil
  • Bob Lisbonne, Lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, former CEO of Luminate and former Netscape VP
  • Cathy Davidson, Professor of English at Duke University
  • Joi Ito, MIT Media Lab Director and Creative Commons Chair
  • Mitch Kapor, Co-Founder and Former Chair, Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Navrina Singh, Founder and CEO, Credo AI
  • Wambui Kinya, Regional Manager, EMEA, Elephant Ventures, LLC

Non-voting officers

Expanding the Board of Directors

In 2023 Mozilla decided to expand the Board of Directors to include new skills and areas of focus that mirror the growth of our work. This search brought us to Amy Keating, Alondra Nelson, Edwin Macharia, Raffi Krikorian, and Zain Habboo, our latest additions to the Board.

Recruiting for the Board is currently closed.

Annual Schedule

The Board convenes four times per year — usually twice in person, and two times virtually — to discuss Foundation strategy and operations. Additionally, the Board meets once annually with the Mozilla Corporation CEO to receive a strategic update. The schedule is loosely as follows:

  • Q1 Financial Approvals
  • Q2 Cross Over Meeting with Mozilla Corporation
  • Q3 Programmatic Focus
  • Q4 Year End

Board members also serve on committees or work with senior staff on special projects. Committees exist for:

1. Audit which includes Brian Behlendorf and Nicole Wong;

2. Mozilla Foundation Program Board provides strategic oversight of programs operated directly by Mozilla Foundation staff. In 2023, Mozilla Foundation merged the diversity, finance and programs committees into a single Mozilla Foundation Program Board which includes Amy Keating, Helen Turvey, Nicole Wong, Mark Surman and Zain Habboo. Here is an explainer on the Program Board.

The Program Board participates in the yearly development of Mozilla Foundation goals and approves an annual budget based on these goals. They are also responsible for selecting, supporting and evaluating the Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation.

Program Board Slides

This section was added in September 2020 to provide increased transparency and an historical record for Mozilla Program Board discussions. We will be updating this regularly with public copies of the Program Board presentations.

Below are public copies of the Board presentations dating back to 2018.


  • February 2024 Programs Overview, AI Strategy Update and 2024 Budget







For more information on the Board, visit this FAQ.