Bugzilla:Bzr:Porting Forward Customizations

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If you have committed customizations to your local bzr repository, and you want to bring them forward to a new release, here's how:

Minor Updates

You can use bzr up normally to update--that's probably the easiest thing to do, if you checked out your code using bzr checkout. After using bzr up you will have to commit your customizations again, as though you were merging in your customizations. (Don't worry, though, each individual commit will still be remembered by bzr, so your history will be preserved.)

If you checked out using bzr branch, you should use bzr merge to update to the latest minor release. (See bzr help merge for information on how to use it.)

You can also use bzr merge on a normal bzr checkout checkout, if you want.

Major Updates

If you are moving to a new major release (like from 3.4.x to 3.6.x) this requires a bit more work:

  1. Change to your current bugzilla directory.
    cd custom-bugzilla-3.4.6
  2. Create a "bundle" of your customizations:
    bzr bundle bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/3.4 > customizations.bundle
    (Note that we used "3.4" in that URL, because our current major version is 3.4.)
  3. Check out a copy of the version you want to move to:
    bzr branch -r tag:bugzilla-3.6.1 bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/3.6 bugzilla-3.6.1
    (In this case, we're moving to 3.6.1.)
  4. Change to the new bugzilla directory:
    cd bugzilla-3.6.1
  5. Merge in your customizations that were stored in customizations.bundle:
    bzr merge ../customizations.bundle
  6. Resolve any conflicts, and commit.