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DataVision is an open-source report-generating tool, a bit like the proprietary Crystal Reports. It connects to an SQL database, and then allows you to construct queries and reports which it can print and format in a variety of ways.

This is how to get DataVision working with a Bugzilla based on MySQL. If you are using another database, you will need to adapt the instructions accordingly. You'll need an appropriate JDBC driver - see here.

You need the database name (represented below by database-name), username and password from your "localconfig" file. (Or, you can set up a special read-only user in your database if you know how to do that and think it's safer.)

  • Install a Java Virtual Machine, such as IcedTea, OpenJDK or the one from Sun
  • Download and unpack DataVision
  • Download the MySQL JDBC connector package and copy the .jar file from the package root into $DATAVISION_DIR/lib
  • Run DataVision
  • Give it the following parameters:
    • Driver Class Name: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
    • Connection Info: jdbc:mysql://localhost/database-name (replace 'localhost' with the domain name if MySQL is running elsewhere)
    • Database Name: database-name (see above)
    • User Name: see above
    • Password: see above

Then, you can use the DataVision UI to design reports. Here's an example of a very simple one I did, which lists all open bugs, sorted by assignee and then priority, called "Who's Doing What in What Order". But I'm sure you can make things which are much more complicated than that.