Calendar:QA 0.3.1 Final Push

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0.3.1 Release Candidate 2 FINAL PUSH TO RELEASE

This is it. We need to run the following tests on the 0.3.1 RC2 candidate to be sure that this is the code we want to release. We need to test timezone support and smoke test all the possible localizations.

Here are the tests:

  • Sunbird Litmus Tests:
    • Sunbird Full Functional Tests -> Localization
    • Sunbird Full Functional Tests -> Timezones
  • Lightning Litmus Tests:
    • Lightning Full Functional Tests -> Localization
    • Lightning Full Functional Tests -> Timezones

Here are the builds:

  • Known issue: The minimonth calendar (the miniature month calendar) reads its localization data from the operating system locale. So, if you are testing on an English OS, but you installed a Russian Sunbird, your minimonth will still have English day and month names. This goes for all minimonth's in the product (like the drop downs in the New Event Dialog).

The Table

Below is a table for all the localizations we need to test. Note that these localization tests can be quick basic tests to be sure that the localization does in fact, install and is usable. If a test passes, write "Pass" in the column below, and "Fail" if it fails. If a test fails, please submit a bug, and put the bug number in the "Bugs and Issues" column. If you have questions, please join the #calendar-qa IRC channel ( and ask for help.

  Item To Test    | Sunbird  |   Lightning | Bugs and Issues?
* Catalan (ca)    |   Pass   |   Pass      | 
* Czech (cs)      |   Pass   |   Pass      | 370648, 370643 (non-blocking)
* Danish (da)     |   Pass   |             | 370844 (non-blocking)
* German (de)     |   Pass   |             |
* Spanish (es-ES) |   Pass   |   Pass      | Create event dialog in Windows is
                  |          |             | too narrow, and its width can't be
                  |          |             | localized.
* Basque (eu)     |   Pass   |             |
* French (fr)     |   Pass   |   Pass      |
* Irish (ga-IE)   |   Pass   |   n.a.      | 370941: categories are broken 
                  |          |             |    (as in 0.3, non-blocking)
* Hungarian (hu)  |   Pass   |   Pass      | 370851 (non-blocking)
* Italian (it)    |   Pass   |   Pass      | 370887 (non-blocking)
* Mongolian (mn)  |   Pass   |             | 370890 (non-blocking)
* Dutch (nl)      |   Pass   |   Pass      | 
* Polish (pl)     |   Pass   |   Pass      | 
* Russian (ru)    |   Pass   |   Pass      | 370898 (non-blocking)
* Slovak (sk)     |  Pass    |   Pass      | 370892 (non-blocking)
* Slovenian (sl)  |  Pass    |   Pass      | 370943: categories are broken
                  |          |             |    (as in 0.3, non-blocking)
* Time Zone Tests |  PASS!   |   Pass      |
* BFT Regression  |  Pass    |   Pass      |

Thanks for the help!

Getting the Build ID


  • Go to the directory where Sunbird was installed (on Mac, load the .dmg and right click (CTRL+click) the icon. Then choose to "See package contents"
  • Browse to extensions/
  • Open the master.ini file in that directory, the buildID will be the fifth line of the file
  • Should this not work, find your profile directory. Browse to compatibility.ini and open it. Inside this file, there is an attribute that says: "LastVersion=<version>_<BUILDID>/<geckostuff>, like this:LastVersion=0.3_2006100618/1.9a1_2006100618. You can pluck the BuildID from there.

Profile Locations

OS Thunderbird Profile Sunbird Profile
Windows  %AppData%\Thunderbird  %AppData%\Mozilla\Sunbird
Linux ~/.thunderbird ~/.mozilla/sunbird
MacOSX ~/Library/Thunderbird ~/Library/Application Support/Sunbird


  • View the Tools->AddOns (Tools->Extensions) window. The lightning extension is listed and the BuildID is in parenthesis following that).