Calendar:Status Meetings:2006-10-11
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Meeting Details
- Wednesday, October 11th, 16:00 UTC
- Phone meeting
- Join #calendar-mtg on for attendance
Telephone Info
- Toll free numbers
- US/Canada: 800 867 8609
- Netherlands: 08002658232
- Germany: 08001014546
- Poland: 008001114706
- Sun: x44444
- More numbers (toll/toll free): Sun Worldwide Ready-Access numbers
- Access Code
- 3646989
- Conference controls
- *6 mute line
- *7 unmute line
- Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking
dmose, lilmatt, sipaq, ssa, daniel
Agenda Items
0.3 recap
- With 0.3 we did exactly what we were trying to avoid doing: slush the code for almost two months. This may not be the right place or time, but I don't now what is. So, with that in mind, perhaps we should discuss:
- What went wrong?
- What went right?
- How can we move forward faster in the future?
- (We have one-two months until 0.5 according to the original schedule iirc, BTW).
0.3 Status
- Released
- lightning-wcap builds don't function properly (some users reported that the wcap-enabler prefs are not set)
0.5 Planning
- lilmatt's wish list/backlog - We need a higher level plan though :)
- STRING -> VARCHAR schema change
- Data Migrator (and CalExt disabler)
- l10n tinderbox builds (so l10ners can check their stuff before release)
- remainder of iMIP/iTIP
- Lightning printing
- Mac window management
- X-props in VALARM, VCALENDAR, and VTIMEZONE (abstract out property bag)
- Advanced tab with about:config
- aus update checking
- foreign timezone support
- new timezone db
- Google calendar provider
- Sort out "foreign" provider story (WCAP, Google, etc.)
- Lightning langpacks
- Universal binary for Sunbird
- Refactor C++ to use frozen interfaces where possible
sipaq's meeting notes
0.3 Recap
- Many late high-risk fixes went in, which pushed the release date further away
- We were on track until Joey went off to law school
- We should sooner have started to cut feature work, need to improve that for 0.5
- Releasing from both branch and trunk made everything more complicated for developers and localizers
- We need a tinderbox for branch and one for the trunk. Talk with preed about this
- It would be nice to get a dedicated l10n tinderbox or to hook up Sunbird to the regular l10n tinderboxen
- General feedback from localizers was good
- general communication and communication about possible issues was good
- working for Sunbird is more relaxed than for FF or TB. Localizers seem to appreciate that
- ssitter helped a lot with his regular langpack builds and with his compare-locale runs
- we need to work with pike on getting calendar/locales added to automated l10n test runs (sipaq will contact pike)
- Our testing exposure went up quite a lot with the RCs, but then it was too late (mostly)
- ctalbert to organize bi-weekly test days
- it would be great to get some automated tests up (e.g. importing .ics calendars from top calendar sites)
- testing probably also went up, because 0.3 was our first big release since the rearchitecture work
0.3 status
- yay, we released the beast :-)
- Some locales (da and ru) are asking for respins. sipaq to compile a list of broken locales for possible respinning
- would be nice to get bouncer stats
0.5 plans
- things that were cut from 0.3 are obvious candidates for 0.5
- 0.3 branch tinderboxen now build from trunk again
- New UI proposal should be implemented for 0.5. We got a lot of good feedback about that from users
- We need high-level goals for 0.5 (e.g. better Thunderbird integration)
- We should aim for a release date somewhere in the first half of January
- Qualcomm just announced that it will build Eudora from the Thunderbird codebase.
- Possible that new mail/news developers come on board
- Perhaps new calendar developers come on board as well?
- More info on