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Summary: Implement 5 new EU Campus Reps pages

Status - 10/26/09

  • Needs meeting to answer questions
  • Kicked off
  • Design issues to be worked out
  • Not sure on start date

Open issues

  • Rebranding
    • The name "Campus Reps" might change. This would affect a lot of things, include design resources, logos, copy, URL, etc
  • How will users find these new Campus Reps pages?
    • from the top menu, under "Community"
    • from the Spread Firefox Campus Reps pages
    •'s contribute page
      • The Spread Firefox pages are being removed, that won't work (Not being removed -- just the tab)
  • Welcome page video?
    • leave out for now
  • Final content and links
    • Finalizing copy now.
  • Design: remove lang chooser
  • need spec for dynamic features
    • Success Stories
      • Manual updates, every few months
      • how does l10n work?
      • no dynamic content needed
      • form on Highlights page sends an email to including a success story that a user would like highlighted.
    • Help page, Questions form
      • send email to


  • Do PRD
  • L10n mechanism?
    • Gettext?
  • PHP Framework? Kohana?
  • fits under tree?


  • Targeted locales
    • first batch will be: EN, DE, FR, SP, IT, PL

Spread Firefox Campus Reps pages

  • The Spread Firefox Campus Reps pages will be dropped.
  • How should Spread Firefox point users to the new pages?
    • existing tab + page will be a "We've moved!" placeholder
    • news / events promo block will remain
  • What happens to Spread Firefox Campus Reps content?
    • dropped / archived
    • look at how to archive project forums, comments, etc



  • PSDs -- you have to be on the Office VPN
    • Neil, want to move these to the design repo?
  • PNGs


  • Q1 2010
  • Start date?
  • Launch date? March
  • Dev: 2-3 weeks
    • Implement design
    • Implement backend
    • Finalize and Implement content
  • QA: 1 week
    • Testing
    • bug fixes
  • L10n: 1 week?
    • String Freeze



  • Alex Buchanan - webdev
  • Neil Lee - webdev
  • Irina Sandu - EU marketing


Jan. 14, 2010

  • Talked about dynamic content
    • drop video
    • how to implement map admin?
      • simple admin form, accessible by team only?
      • how to import existing campus reps?
    • Help page, Questions form
      • sends email
    • Highlights page, form at bottom
      • sends email
  • possible rebranding, "Campus Reps" name might change
  • Alex to set up dev basics and find someone to implement design
  • Irina and William to start writing content

Oct. 26, 2009 vs. vs.

  • not clear on which is the best home
  • marketing wants for visibility

Design issues

  • Guide page, lang chooser
  • mockups with actual content (i.e. not lorem ipsum) would be helpful
  • Dynamic content not planned well
    • e.g. "Submit a success story" where is the form for this
    • and dynamic forms don't mix, this will have to be built in a separate code base
  • Why are we building a new design for this?
    • To move away from Spread Firefox, to look and feel, and also to enable L10n


  • aiming to launch with 5 languages
  • looking for more translations over time, after launch


  • Webdev schedule is full, and we all agree isn't a high priority project
  • Estimated to take 2-3 weeks for dev, 1 week for QA
  • Most likely won't start until Q1 2010