From MozillaWiki
- Rob Sayre, Laura Mesa, Chris Blizzard, Mayumi Matsuno, Sheila Mooney, Alexander Limi
- Bug 386760 - close to review, making progress.
- Need someone on the UI work for the channel updater.
- Taras will jump in and help with this project if required.
- UI work pretty easy. Limi will own and discuss with team this week (UI work week).
- Getting the UI piece done is pretty critical since it blocks us.
Questions and Discussion
- Mobile schedule
- Plan is for them to follow our cycle.
- Versions
- We would like to drop the number.
- Press likes to use a number but we will refer to it as Firefox not version number.
- This will impact in product messaging and what we do there.
- Are we free to 'un geek version numbers"? Can we display something else?
- Yes - Internally we can change this but externally we can use something more user friendly. Miyumi, Limi will figure this out.
- How do you handle numbers in channel. Do we leave in the version numbers 8-experimental?
- Could be on versions of release channel could be 6 and experimental channel could be 8? Yes.
- Ad Ons
- Still big questions there.
- Probably ok for the first cycle but the next cycle might be harder.
- Haven't pushed Jetpack. The top add ons can't really move over to Jetpack due to complexity.
- We will break the binary add ons (link to FF) - need to decide what to do.
- Should we talk to eng and add on developers? Find out what would be helpful for them and hold tech session to talk through compatibility issues.
- Most people don't update add ons until users complain.
- Complaints will come in increments as code moves through the channel - hopefully by the time we get to the release they will update.
- Support for Previous Versions
- Plan - keep 3.6 and end of life it in a year (proposal)
- Need to continue to support platforms that aren't supported in 4.0.
- 3.5 will go away after 4.0. People will need to migrate to new world via automatic update.
- Let people turn off automatic updates if they want.
- Evangelizing Channels
- Need to write value propositions for each channel and get that out in front of users (experimental, beta, release).
- How are we going to support all channels - emails, blog, newsletters. Take an opportunity with the launch announcement to get out to people ie: facebook users - point them to the right channel.
- We can have blogs you can subscribe to for each channel.
- We can use the home page for communications - space for input, blog posts,. Good for experimental channel but not necessarily other ones.
- Other topics
- The go/no go decisions...probably always a go with security patches and something minimal.
- Security updates will go via the release route unless some exception - ie: 0 day.
- Users currently don't do a good job of separating stuff out into different profiles. You want to do weird stuff - it's separate, you don't use your default profile. Some process to do this.
- Need to set up a meeting with PR - how they are going to message stuff landing on various channels, stages.
- Labs Projects
- Labs can do what they want. If we want to get a labs project in a channel, set expectations that it won't follow through all channels.
- Labs wants to build their group of users.
- Labs version of FF - with all the add ons they are working on - is this a new channel? Who is working on this?
- Probably looks more like mobile. It's it's own channel but not able to switch to it from the UI.
- Other Projects
- How is test pilot going to integrate? Rob - doesn't know their plans. Rob - will be doing more telemetry in general - need to decide was balance of privacy/telemetry is appropriate for each channel.
- We can use test pilot to advertize new features.
- Bugzilla changes - need to make some changes here. Logging bugs for different channels - Rob has next actions on this.
- Socorro - changes to display channels - changes to views, admin screens - Sheila tracking this.
- Metrics - changes? Probably not too many - need the right ADU numbers.
- Localization - nightly tracking in US only. 90% of locales covered by the time we get to beta. Small ones can trail after beta and if they aren't ready we can ship english strings.
- Sumo? Will they only support latest? Limi will be talking to them later today - find out what they are planning.
Next Actions
- Discussion on add ons - afternoon 2011-03-16
- UI work - Limi
- Rob Strong - finish off work for bug 386760
- Bugzilla changes - Rob will track this.
- Socorro UI changes - Sheila tracking this.
- Sumo meeting - Limi tracking this.