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Reference Docs


Shell Escalante is joining us today to discuss & confirm server side bug list [see below]

  • Bug 998332 - ( loop_mvp_server ) [meta] MVP Loop Server - what is the status on the server.
  • Bug 994115 - Set up a Nightly ready Server over https - looks like Remy and several other Services team engaged, blocked by SDK sign-off. How quickly after sign-off can it stand up against Tokbox.
    • We are working on it with OPS to get a pupettized server for dev and prod/nightly we already have a stage environment deploy by OPS for load testing.
      • puppetized/cfn/etc for loop is ready. Stage is deployed. Can be promoted to prod
      • some outstanding bits: sentry / statsd should be done May 13th,2014
  • Bug 994360 - Deploy Loop server on AWS → Alexis believes this is already done, he says he's catching up with ops today / tomorrow
    • We have one for development but we need to reinstall it. Benson on operational side. deploy in stage load testing. dev server on Amazon...Ask Adam for info or Mark/Niko.
  • Bug 994961 - Start load testing the staging environment → Alexis says this is blocked by 994360, but he/Services is ready to load test as soon as everything is deployed.
    • It is deployed but we need to make sure the stage environment is ready to run load test on it.
  • Bug 987086 - Loop web client should use configuration for determining server url
    • Standard8 was working on it this week and it should be ready. No work on that from a server point of view. not block for dev flow - but deploy.
  • Bug 988469 - ( loop_msisdn_verific ) MSISDN verification API for privileged apps - check status with Tauni. Remy working with Fernando, Remy Mozilla testing out POC of Tef Fernando implementation for feedback.
  • Bug 998748 - [meta] FxA Service
    • Still waiting for further information about it but we know that it will be needed for MVP
    • More than FxA there is also MSISDN Authentication hopefully the two services FxA and MSISDN are using a similar protocol for auth.
  • Bug 1009488 - Mobile Loop Client needs ability to authenticate via FxA to the server. does this depend on 984949?
    • Yes it is related to 984949 and 998748
  • 984949 will need to support dif authentication schemes at same time....fits in next couple...turning back on FxA
  • Contacts
    • Need SIM card and google ID's displayed - both already accessible.


    • Ask Ian Bicking for synching - John G. about FxA
      • Shell set up 1/2 intro with Rafa, John, Ryan, Darrin - are there mock-ups from Tef somewhere?
      • Ian sending email on what Fruux? can do....follow up
      • Shell: clarification Contacts for platforms... local on desktop - how is that handled or is just google contacts on desktop. Order and priority for each platform.
      • Shell and Ian talk on single-sign on with FxA account giving access to Loop Mobile with phone number association (Shell verify that if V1 or V2 for Loop mobile and then set expectations internal and external)
  • We need to discuss sync beyond contacts sync
  • Shell to confirm dev test schedule and get back to us - before June 9th to test compatibility of Loop Mobile platform and Loop Mobile client components - so need dev environment for Loop server to go against. It would be ideal if that went to TokBox servers... but that may be a reach.
  • contacts integration into Loop?
    • gaia team is working to make the API accessible
    • TEF wants Facebook contacts (legal in discussions now)
    • google and SIM contacts are part of the v1 list and already handleable via API;