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  • top crashes in Firefox 3.6
    • any way to make progress on bug 531551?
      • 3%-3.5% of total crashes
      • specific to old versions of Acrobat: 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0 (which all have security holes?)
      • but a regression between Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 (for reason we currently don't know)
      • could consider blocking some versions, but want to think about security implications too; blocking Acrobat plugin could just mean people still load the PDFs into Acrobat, just outside of our process; the best outcome is instead getting people to upgrade
      • mevans to investigate what UX is for different types of blocks that we could make
    • skype crash spike: bug 546632 (looks like probably threadsafety bug). damon to look into contacts
    • we have a contact at trend micro now, and should follow up: bug 511756. sicking to follow up in bug
    • any other high-priority items to blocklist?
    • any other high-priority fixes to get in?
      • bug 538642 (FPU exception handler)
      • mac printing crashes?
  • top crashes on trunk
  • do we still think we should make non-threadsafe refcounting abort when not on main thread? Yes. sicking to take